Thursday, February 9, 2012


Be sure to turn up your volume and listen to L.O.V.E.

L is for the way you look at me.

O is for the only one I see.

V is very, very extraordinary.

E is even more than anyone that you adore can.

Love is all that I can give to you.

Love is more than just a game for two.

Two in love can make it.

Take my heart and please don't break it.

Love was made for me and you.

lyrics by Milt Gabler and Bert Kaempfert
made popular by Nat King Cole

for more L posts, click below


  1. Wow love is on the air. Happy weekend!

    Letter L

  2. Wonderful! I could Nat King Cole singing it!

  3. Great *L* post – wonderful words especially with Valentine's Day just around the corner!

    Have a great Alphabe-Thursday,


  4. Love your "L" post...Happy (almost) Valentine's Day!

  5. I am pinning these pictures! Thanks for sharing, Sue!

  6. I am so glad I have my husband. When I look at these pictures, it reminds me of how lucky I am to have him in my life.

  7. Dennis and I enjoyed this together, complete with the music!

  8. What is it about this time period. It just looks so wonderful. I guess thats why its called Nostalgia. Was so happily surprised to hear the song!

  9. fun...and I love the photos you used to go with it!

  10. Love Nat King Cole. Love, love, love this song. You brought back many fond memories of the good ole days. So blessed to have met him when I worked at Capitol Records. He was a truly, warm, wonderful gentle man who never forgot your name. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Well now I am in the mood for Valentine's Day! Fun post!

  12. great family (?) pics. And I love the song! {:-Deb

  13. Love seems to be flying through bloggersville lately! Lovely, love post...and oh could I borrow the handsome hunk in the number 2 photo? Oh please, please! Spread the love....! ;)

    unless of course he's your uncle and he married that woman! ha ha!

  14. is a beautiful thing isnt it...smiles....

  15. I always loved to hear Nat King Cole sing this. I loved the way you illustrated it too with everyone wearing the clothes that we wore in the 40's and 50's. It looks real,and in black and white too.

    This is such a good post for this time of year. Why the heck am I crying? It did bring back memories. I remember too, when Nancy worked at Capitol records and met him. We were all a little bit nutty about NKC. I still love to play his old records once in a while.

    Happy Valentines Day! It won't be long and then we'll see you right after at the wedding. I hope I can see straight by then.

  16. Beautiful song, and fantastic photos, Sue!

  17. Sweet post, Sue! I've been looking through my Mom's photo albums and saw so many photos like these from the 40's. Love the song..Harry Conick Jr. does it well too!

  18. Great pictures to go with a great song.

  19. I loved the photos that you put with the music - why does everyone look so glamorous in them?

  20. Fantastic! Exquisite choice of photos to illustrate a golden oldie :)

  21. Looks like my parents, at least the clothes, lol !

  22. Wonderful pictures!

  23. Love your L.O.V.E post!!!! I LOVE old photos and these were perfect with those lyrics.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you my dear friend, so very much for your lovely visit, your sweet well wishes on our upcoming 30th...after being away from blogland, I was wondering if anyone would still stop by my place!)

  24. Great picture choices and cleverly done:-)

  25. Sue, your photos are just wonderful, and so perfect for the song you chose!! Brava!

  26. Love that song! And your photos to go with it were awesome! Happy Valentine's!

  27. Great SONG! I have boys that listen to Frank Sinatra and I have to smile, because one boy's other music of choice is rapping junk!!

  28. I Love these photos...

    The Light that is shining through on the last one is absolutely captivating...

    Thanks for Letting us Listen to L.O.V.E. and experience it as well!

    Great post.


  29. Hello.
    Yu can't deny the love in these photos. They are great.
    Love Nat King Cole & have a few CD's of his at home.
    Nice post.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Love Has Seeped Into My Heart
