Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Making Memories

Christmas morning is always magical at our house.

Thanks to little guys like him.


click below for more happiness


  1. Oh yes, love those 2 pictures.
    I guess it's good to remember that all our planning and prep and work is all worth it to have the magic on Christmas morning.

  2. Just caught up with you, friend. That story of the bathroom escapade is awesome! Seriously hilarious!

  3. Boys like him really do make Christmas special!

  4. The grandkids are what it's all about!

  5. smiles they really do bring all the magic dont they...smiles...

  6. Love the magical morning of Christmas! What a beautiful family you have :) Happy New Year!

  7. Aw! So sweet. Christmas is a magical time. Jeffrey decided that our kids are the best gift receivers. It doesn't matter what they get, they still get super excited. My mother gave me a tea set packed in a Raisin Bran box. Keith let out a squeal and did a happy dance when he saw the box, exclaiming it was his favorite cereal. Never mind the gift inside. That excitement sure makes the magic.

  8. Nothing shines on Christmas morning like a child. Glad we both had some around.

  9. Lovely photos. The little kids are what Christmas is all about.

  10. Beautiful pictures. Happy new years!

  11. Christmas IS so much more fun with the little guys to share it! :)

  12. So true...little ones make the holidays so much fun.

  13. All the Christmas gathering and fun was the cake and I bet he was the icing on it...and I also bet the magic was created by the hostess who keeps them returning every year for more! Looks like a great time was had by all!

  14. Cute! The 52 Weeks of Happiness looks really cool. I'm going to go check it out!

  15. Cute picture. Children really do help to bring that magical feel to Christmas!!

  16. Perfect!

    Pretty sure that you helped the magic happen.

  17. That was the only ingredient missing during our Christmas celebrations: the little ones. It's kind of a big ingredient too, so they were sorely missed. But I was able to talk to each one so it'll do. Maybe next year. It looks like you all had a wonderful time, and I'm sure another important ingredient at your house is YOU!

  18. We spoke and skyed with our little guys, but my, oh my but we missed them. Your photos look a lot like the set up at our house early on the 25th!

  19. I love it! My mom and dad are feeling pretty homesick now. How blessed you are to be surrounded by family!
