Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bring in the New Year!

Sing out the strains of Christmas past,

as yuletide dreams set sail.

Bring in the New Year, fresh and free.

Let happy hearts prevail!

click below for more New Year's posts


  1. Here is hoping you have a wonderful New Year!

  2. I'm so ready for 2012! It's going to be wonderful!

  3. Don't the numbers just blow your mind? I mean..really? It's going to be 2 0 1 2? Geez, what happened to 1967 for crying out loud! Time does truly fly! I sure hope you have a wonderful New Year celebration and a great 2012!

  4. My sentiments exactly! I agree with Yaya - what DID happen to 1967? But seriously - 2011 was difficult, although it had it's joys. I'm ready for a fresh new year.

  5. You make me happy. Happy New Year!

  6. The way I look at it, after 12 alternating weeks of chemotherapy for Mr. Eva in 2011, 1012 can only be better!

  7. I wish you and yours all the best in 2012 - and I look forward to our mutual celebration!

  8. As usual you have such a way with words. We have been so busy with family that I haven't had a moment to read blogs are post. I really love reading posts and of course yours is a favorite. I loved your Christmas story for the year.
    Blessings to you as the New Year rolls in.

  9. Beautiful.
    Are you going to party hardy?

    Happy New Year to you as well.

  10. Perfect! Happy New Year...and I mean it!!

  11. Wonderful post Sue ... Have a wonderful New Year!

  12. I need to look at the new year more like you just described. I always mourn a bit for the one that is passing, but sometimes forget that we all get a brand new beginning.

  13. nice...i would love to go on that big ferris wheel sometime...hope you have a great new year sue!

  14. You always manage to give us all a little peace and joy with your posts, Sue.

  15. Yeah! Here's hoping that the New Year will bring better health to you and to me, and all who need it. I could use that special blessing. We are pretty well on our way to ringing in the NYNY with most of our friends. Only four missing. Verna has bronchitis and thank heavens she went right to the doctor this time and got some powerful antibiotics. We will miss her and Jim, but parties go on and so will this one.

    I am grateful that 2011 brought me many new friends and some that I would love to be friends with. I have met some pretty interesting people on your blog, Sue, but haven't read their blogs as mine are just the right amount for me. to write to. Blogging is great though and I feel like I have gotten pretty well acquainted with a couple of people that live outside our country too. I love hearing about South Africa from Tima and about Scotland from Linda. I would never have gotten to know them without reading their blogs.

    Your blog is the ABSOLUTE VERY BEST though. You are so dedicated and it shows. I still don't see how you find the time to do it every day, but Sunday. I do well to do it once a week.

    All in all 2011 has been a fairly good year though, hasn't it? We are still alive and kicking............2012, here we come!!!

  16. This was a wonderful post Sue!

    You always speak directly to my heart!
