Saturday, December 31, 2011

Resolution, Schmezolution

Jenny's revving up for the New Year with her Saturday Centus prompt this week, and I like it! Hope you do, too. (Said prompt, as always, is in red.)


©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

Resolution! Schmezolution!
This year, I’m resolved
to make no resolutions
because failure is involved.

No plans, no goals, no promises.
No journal, chart, or list.
No calendar that goes unstarred
for every day I’ve missed.

No weekly ruminations over
changes not achieved.
No self-defeating burials
of good intentions grieved.

No self-recrimination or
disparagement at all.
No personal experience
of how the mighty fall.

No feeling like a loser as
the year rolls to an end.
No starting fresh on New Year’s Day
and trying to pretend.

‘Cause this time WON’T be different.
Join my cause and face the facts.
The Resolution Revolution:
"Just give goals the axe."


(Not the most redeeming motto, but it does have a certain je ne sais quoi...)



  1. This is just excellent! Happy New Year!

  2. Yeah! That's the ticket! Love this, Sue. You certainly have the right idea!!

  3. This is funny. So are you resoluting?

  4. I had to take another look, and noticed on the pad "to floss". That is too funny, I floss twice a year, the day before the dentist, and the day after. Happy New Year!

  5. I like it! My thoughts are similar. Happy New Year:@)

  6. Ah yes, that's always my one and only resolution. Thanks for expressing this so playfully.
    A wonderful New Year to you and yours, Sue.

  7. smiles...i set goals but i keep them flexible....because things change pretty quickly...happy new year!

  8. Couldn't have said it better myself! Great post!

    Have a Happy New Year!

  9. That is so perfect....but I'm making a resolution this year anyway since I made none last year and it shows...but I wasn't the least bit sorry or sad about it..maybe I'll rethink this resolution thing again! Happy New Year Sue!

  10. I LOVE IT!!!!!

    You are amazing.

    I think I'll do the resolution.

    Hugs and Happy 2012!!!

  11. I've had years like that :)
    So maybe that's why this year my resolution is to eat an apple a day.

  12. Where do I sigh up? As always Sue, you manage to whip up a poem with ease. I think you are one of the most talented person's I am lucky to know. Wishing you all the best next year. See ya then.~Ames

  13. Oh yes! This seems to be the main theme everywhere I go this year...wonder why that is?! I know I have felt this way for a long time!!!!

  14. Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true.

  15. would love this on my facebook statuse just shere brilliance happy new year

  16. Excellent! I too blogged about the futility of resolutions - just not as poetically and entertaining as yours!

    Happy New Year!!

  17. Excellent New Year's poem, Sue! Well penned! I totally agree!
    Best wishes & hugs,
    Anna's SC Week 87

  18. The pad made me laugh..floss! Great poem which hit the nail on the head as far as my own feelings go. Happy New Year!

  19. Ahhhh...what she said!

    You're amazing!
