Thursday, December 1, 2011

Divine Nature

Divine Nature
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

Proof of divinity is all around.

God's handiwork transcends His mystery.

We hear His voice in every sacred sound:

the trill of birds, the pounding of the sea.

His whisper reaches us in sunrise stillness,

when all the earth awakens from her sleep.

Betimes He warns us with an eagle's shrillness,

or speaks to us in rumblings, soft and deep.

We see His radiance in sunset glory;

His Light enlivens moon and stars and sun.

Each shining lake that shimmers tells His story.

Each mountaintop proclaims Him as the One.

We feel His tender touch in gentle breezes

that muss our hair or cool a rosy cheek.

His every gift to us is balm that eases,

to know Him is the sustenance we seek.

And yet the proud heart is not counted wise.

Only the humble and the reverent see.

Look for Him in a newborn baby's eyes,

then find Him in your own divinity.

click below for more D posts


  1. It is beautiful. It goes along with what I wrote about today. Thanks for sharing visually and with words too.

  2. Beautiful! And I love the photos you chose to go with it.

  3. Your really selected very beautiful pictures !!

  4. This has to be one of the top most beautiful posts I have ever read. Perfect in every way.....thanks so much for stopping by. I am now following you. xo

  5. Oooooooh, that moon shot! There's divinity everywhere, isn't there?

  6. This was so beautiful, Sue! Where did you find all these wonderful photos? They are wonderful!

  7. Ahhh... that made me feel so peaceful. Thanks, Sue!

  8. Just beautiful Sue. And each newborn child has God's imprint on it. My grandson new of Jesus before we started taking him to church.~Ames

  9. Well, I am just totally blown away. The pictures are fantastic, the poem even better and the music is perfect. What more could one want. I had to read it over a couple of times after my initial reading and I just seemed to get more out of each time. Do I dare ask you how long it took you to do this poem?

    And the pictures.......they are just amazing. Just feasting my eyes on all natures beauty depicted in these photographs just makes me wish I could visit those places in person. After viewing such beauty, how can anyone deny God?

  10. Oh Sue this is such a beautiful post. I am so happy you shared this with us today.
    The pictures you selected were prefect too.
    Wanted to come by and say hello and to tell you I am having a giveaway so hope you can come by and put your name in the hat

  11. Gosh you are good. I always love how you find just the right pictures to go with your words.

  12. I'm heading off to bed and that poem and those pictures are the perfect way to end a day and head off to say a prayer...thanks Sue!

  13. Beautiful,Sue! We've been on the same wavelength a LOT lately, huh!? :)

  14. I know when I'm hiking I feel closer to the knowledge of my own divine nature. I just wish I could take that knowledge home with me.:)
    I hope to feel it this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

  15. Beautiful post with gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing!


  16. Exquisite photos and words...last fall when we were returning from Alaska, we spent the night in Cutbank Montana and a group of us saw the most magnificent sunset with lenticular cloud formations any of us had ever seen. The rays of light came down from Heaven and one of the men said, how can anyone not believe in a Higher Power - we were witnessing just how Divine Nature is.

  17. A sublime testament to your faith, Sue. I happen to be reading The Hidden Face of God by G Schroeder.

  18. Very nice pictures, really amazing

  19. Your awesome poetic words of divity speak dramatically to my undeserving heart. Thanks for sharing with us your loveliness yet again. =D

  20. That's where I see Him most a newborn's eyes.
    Beautiful, Sue.

  21. wow cant believe i almost missed this...what beauty in your pictures...yes we are surrounded by it....

  22. Such wonderful images - great post!

    XOXO Lola:)

  23. Hello.
    WoW! Sue, this is beautiful & so true.
    Great photos & love that collage.
    Totally inspiring.
    Thanks so much for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment.


  24. What an amazing collection of images! And wonderful words...

  25. So wonderful! I remember when my niece was born and i looked at her for the first time I knew God did exist. :)

    ~visiting from Ms. Jenny's!

  26. Great pictures and beautiful words:-)

  27. Hello Sue! I love your place!! I am so happy I found you through Jenny's. I see other posts I love to spend some time with so, I'll be back. Your photos are beautiful!

  28. Oh Sue! This was absolutely divine!

    I loved this post...your words, your delicious pictures.

    Where in the world do you find all your graphics? So many of them just speak to my heart!

    Thanks for another delightful link to Alphabe-Thursday.

    You just make me proud to know you!

