Tuesday, December 27, 2011

All Dressed Up for Christmas Morning

Just before church on Christmas morning,

we took a little picture of the kids.

Sullivan was doing the hokey-pokey...

and dancing around to please the crowd.

Carli finally got him to settle down a bit for the photo.

Then Brycie indulged in a little hero worship.

(He's pretty fond of his "best brudder.")

Our pretty Carli did a masterful job of taking Sully in hand.

But it took some doing to keep him in the picture.

Come on, Sully...Just one more!

Ahhhhh......Free at last!

for more happiness, click below


  1. Adorable! That little Sullivan looks like he can keep you all pretty busy :-D

  2. Very cute! It's hard to stand still on Christmas as there is just too much to see and do!

  3. Super cute kids. It is so hard to get them to sit still.

  4. haha that is never easy to get holiday pictures...i have to get them kamikaze style so they dont see them coming...great pics sue! hope you are well!

  5. my one big regret for christmas was that I didn't take a single picture. Your little ones are so dang cute tho! Thanks, Sue!

  6. teeheehee. Beautiful kids.

    PS. The signs were all in the museum. Was a big eye opener for me, too.

  7. Hehe...to funny, they are cute pics though!

  8. So sweet! Love that you managed to get them all together for a picture. :-)

  9. Aren't they a great looking gang? Love the photos!

  10. so fun to see sully!!! and his siblings too!

  11. Sweet, cute and adorable kiddos! Keeping them standing in one place on Christmas morning...priceless! I'm jealous..no coats needed..

  12. Awww, that's what makes Christmas so dang fun! Sweet little ones Sue:)

  13. That little Sully's my kinda kid:)

  14. They are so precious Miss Sue!


    Hope you're resting up!

  15. Those are some darling kids!!!! Best Christmas picture ever.

    It sounds like it was a nice holiday.

  16. Oh, it looks like you probably had one wild hour in church on Sunday! They're a good looking bunch, I have to say!

  17. How I have missed you. What sweet grand kids you have. I love the energy you can see in the pictures. They just can't hold still, can they?!

  18. I love seeing real life pictures like this. They were all trying their best weren't they. :)
    Sullivan and Brycie are such characters !!

    I've missed you Sue and so glad you are back.

  19. So glad you got these darling pictures. Do you know that we didn't take one single picture while we were there. I tried to take a video of Sully, but it just didn't work out. So now I have nothing. I sure hope that someone took some pictures so we can get some copies. It was so crazy there. I was beginning to wonder if we would ever get the presents opened.

  20. What fun it was to get to see your grands! Sully and JDaniel would get along well.

  21. so stinkin cute and I just LOVE her skirt!

  22. They are ADORABLE beyond words! And-- I love how these are set up almost like action shots so we get a sneak peek into the photo session! :) I hope you are having lots of fun with your family! I know you are! :)
