Thursday, November 17, 2011

Celebration and Congratulations!

Today I am celebrating my 1000th post blogiversary and congratulating the lucky winners of two rather lovely quilts. Rumor has it that said quilts will be winging their way to a couple of new owners in the very near future. How's that for cool?

Before I announce the results of our drawing, I did want to remind the winners that they will need to email me ASAP with their mailing addresses. Also, the first place winner should let me know which quilt is her favorite.

Without further ado, the winners are:

First place - Linda @ a la carte
Second place - Jen @ Denton Sanatorium

Congratulations, quilt owners! And consider yourself hugged.

{I hope the rest of you will consider yourselves hugged, too.}
And thanks for supporting my blog!


click here for more C posts


  1. Dude! I protest! I think Linda wins too many giveaways! :snort!:

    Congratulations to the the winners. That includes Linda too. Whatever...


  2. Congratulations to both womens. Hey Linda or Jen, I'll trade you an awesome Scentsy set for your quilt. How's that for generosity?

  3. Congrats Sue and to your winners! You have a great blog and I love reading each morning before the sun comes up!

    (PS - you should have an email from me that needs an answer, if you don't then email me...)

  4. Yayyyy Congrats to the winners and to you to Sue on being such an amazing blogger!

  5. Awesome, such a blessing to share! Congratulations on your 1000th post!

  6. Hi Sue,...1000th post. Congrats. Forst time here. I linked from the Alphabe C circuit. Nice blog you've got here.

  7. Congratulations to both of them. Every time I come to your blog, I feel hugged.
    Have a great day!

  8. Wow. 1000 posts. I can't even imagine. That's wonderful! And congratulations to the two lucky winners! :)

  9. Sue.

    I hate to be picky but I think your keyboard is broken.

    Obviously you meant to write Jen...ny Matlock.


    It's okay.

    I'll forgive you just this once.

    So congratulations to Linda and to me.




    Just fine.

    Congratulations to Linda and the other Jen!

    And no, I'm not being cranky...why do you ask?

    Thanks for linking up!

    And thanks for letting me be silly.


  10. I'm so sad, too bad. Didn't win, once again!

  11. YAY!!!!

    I won!

    Can't wait to see which beauty ends up at my house!

  12. congrats to the quilt winners. That is so awesome!! But especially congrats to you, my dear friend, on many many wonderful words written over those many postings!!

  13. Congrats to you and your winners! How amazing!

  14. 1,000 posts! wow!!! Congrats to you and the winners

  15. Congrats to the lucky winners, I could use a quilt right about now... it's freezing... LOL! Congrats to you on your 1000th blog!!

  16. yay for jen!!!!!!!
    congrats to sue's 1000 post!

  17. *C*ongrats to both winners!

    Great win & great blog too!

  18. I wish you a great celebration, congratulations.

  19. Congratulations on your 1000th post! Wish I had been a winner, but I'm happy for the two bloggers who will be enjoying those beautiful quilts! =>

  20. Where do I begin???

    Woohoo!!! Congratulations on your 1000th post. Girl, that's a'lotta great writin'!!!

    I'm just thrilled for Miss Linda and Miss Jen who won the quilts. I'm sure they'll treasure 'em.

    God bless ya sweetie and enjoy this wonderful day!!!

  21. ok, the comments on this post were THE funniest ever! YOU have the best followers!

  22. Hello.
    1000 posts...WoW! That's one amazing milestone. Congratulations & here's to the next 1000!

    Congratulations also to Linda & Jen!

    Well done Sue!
    Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment.

    Cry Not For Me

  23. Congrats on the 1000th post and Congrats to the winners of the quilts! :)

  24. Congratulatiosn to the lucky winners! Wonderful give away, Sue. Congrats on your 1,000 post!

  25. You've definitely got the C's nailed with this post. Congrats on your 1000th post. Awesome accomplishment!

  26. Can't think of a nicer gift for someone than a quilt...congratulations to both winners!

  27. Congratulations to Linda and Jen. I know they will love their quilts.

    Congratulations to you too, Sue. You have really done well with your 1000 posts. Your family are so lucky to have such an amazing record of your wonderful thoughts and feelings over the past 2 1/2+ years. I am sure you will keep on for many more years, hopefully until the day you die. What a record that will be for them. You probably should have had books printed for each of them instead of just one book. Good idea?

  28. Wow! You could have written a novel with all the words you have used for 1000 posts! Congratulations, Sue!!

  29. One Thousand. That is a lot of posts! Good job you.

  30. I agree with your Mom...the real congratulations goes to you for keeping your wonderful blog habit going. We all benefit...even if we don't win a quilt. :(

  31. I won?!?! I am so amazed and excited! Thank you so much. I am so happy for you and 1000 posts, I hope I can achieve that goal someday. Both quilts are lovely but I choose the pink/flower quilt...hard to pick but that one will brighten my day and I need the hug right now. You are a sweet an amazing lady Sue!
    hugs, Linda

  32. yay! so this is official congrats to you and your winners!

  33. OH dang. See, it's when I take a little break from visitng blogs that the best giveaways happen. Humph. Congrats on the 1000th post.

  34. Dang - I was hoping to get one of those quilts for myself! But congrats to the winners. Keep blogging, Sue!

  35. Congrats to Linda and Jen, both rightly delighted. Also, congratulations to you on reaching post 1,000. That is a LOT of writing and dedication. Nice one :)

  36. Congratulations to my two good blogging friends!

  37. Congrats to the two lucky ladies! I wish I was one of them, instead. Boo-hoo-hoo! =D And of course, congrats to you, Sue, for reaching 1000 blog posts. That's so awesome!

  38. Hello Sue.
    In celebration of your 1000th post, I have a gift for you.
    Please feel free to claim it here.

  39. Congratulations, Sue! A thousand posts is something to celebrate for sure!

  40. OH!!! haha...loved Ms. Jenny's's no way that you did a "typo" with Linda and Jen, instead of Maria...
    Congratulations to the two winners! & again WOW! for your 1000th post! (Yikes!I have a loooong ways to go! I am only on post #163!)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you dear friend for stopping by and your very sweet comment :o)

  41. Congratulations on 1000 posts! Wow! And congratulations to the very lucky winners of your most generous giveaway!

  42. Yay!! Glad for them. I like Jen, what a fun blog she has...and Linda is fun,too, I'm sure! She must be if she's your follower! :)

  43. See what happens when someone gets lost for loss:( And their luck. Congrats on all the blog postings too...keep it up, I'll get in the next one:)
