Friday, September 30, 2011

Guilt-Free R & R, Granny Sue-Style

Every year, right around this time, I get excited about something that does my body and soul even more good than taking a vacation. In fact, it IS a vacation, in its way––a spiritual one––and it does me more good than a week at the beach, a few days in the mountains, or a much-needed trip with good friends (which is saying a LOT, by the way, because all of these are a great boost to my spirit).

Of course, readers who happen to be members of my church already know what I've been looking forward to with such enthusiasm on this first weekend in October. Since the majority of my readers are not Mormon, however, I will spill the beans. Tomorrow begins the 181st Semiannual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is held in Salt Lake City, Utah, but can be seen via satellite at selected LDS chapels throughout the world. Personally, I choose to sit in my favorite chair and watch it on cable TV (also available on satellite or dish), because I love the warm, uplifting feeling it brings into my home. The four separate but equally inspired sessions can be viewed Saturday and Sunday at 10 am and 2 pm MDT, which means I'll be watching an hour earlier in California. Eight golden hours of guilt-free rest and rejuvenation! Ahhhhhh. The speakers are current church leaders, all of whom have fasted and prayed about the topics and subject matter presented.

What I love best about conference is its direct relevance to my life. Years of experience as a listener have taught me to expect the very truths and insights I've been seeking most earnestly to come my way at this time. Invariably, one or more of the talks speaks directly to my heart, often as an answer to prayer, but occasionally as an aha! moment that turns on a light bulb I didn't even know existed. It seems that the Lord always gives me what I need, and general conference is one vehicle He uses to deliver it. All I have to do is be there to receive the goods, and you can bet that I have pen and paper in hand to jot down a few notes. Especially now that my special "menopause memory" has made its unwelcome appearance.

General conference also inspires me creatively, and I frequently write a poem or poems afterward. One of these pieces, a favorite of mine, is "He Walked Alone," based on "None Were With Him," a reverent and riveting conference address by Jeffrey R. Holland (April 2009). Elder Holland, who was President of Brigham Young University before becoming an apostle, has a Master's Degree in Religious Education from BYU and a Master's Degree and PhD from Yale in American Studies. Don't you love when intelligence and inspiration come together? I do!

So, if anyone is looking for me this weekend, I'll be snuggled into my most comfy chair with a soft blanket, a college-ruled notebook, and a smooth-gliding pen...charging up my batteries on a vacation that doesn't cost a thing but pays off big.

Care to join me?


"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matthew 6: 19-21).


  1. I'm a little envious of the recharge that this gives you. I don't know that it is available on cable up here, as I might be inclined to give it a try.

  2. I will be right there with you in my comfy chair and a blanket and record my favorite thoughts of conference. I love Conference and that we get to hear all eight hours in two days. When we were in England we had to spread in out for two weeks.
    I can't wait!!!!

  3. nice...hope you have a great weekendand come out all inspired...used to go to church leadership conferences in ATL every year that were so refreshing...

  4. Oh yes m'am - I will be joining you - if only in spirit! I'll be sitting in my own comfy chair wrapped in a soft blanket. Conference weekend is always a good weekend, isn't it?

  5. I so agree that this weekend is a spiritual recharging moment. For some reason I am really excited to hear all of the messages. We were going to have some family here; but it didn't work out. I am just thrilled to spend the two days with my husband. I am going shopping for our food items and we will just pretend we are out of town for the weekend.
    Blessings to you and enjoy every moment of this weekend too.

  6. Sounds like you have a very relaxing and uplifting weekend on the horizon. Enjoy!

  7. I'll be right there with you - but at home sitting in my favorite blanket, taking notes.
    One of the best weekends of the year!

  8. I can't wait either! Although I do have to work better believe I'll record it! And I can't wait to see if you are inspired to write another poem.

  9. I'm so excited too. It will be so great to hear what we need to hear.

  10. I love General Conference. I am looking forward to it.

  11. I feel exactly the same way. I so love conference and can hardly wait til morning to start watching. And I'm sure I will react as I always do at the very end of it....'No, don't go away yet.'

    I am so thankful that for the past several years it comes right into our living room.

  12. Gosh, I can't believe a year has gone by since the last one! I have a commitment this morning, but perhaps later in the weekend.

  13. Sue such a wonderful way to spend the weekend. I love that you write poems afterwards.
    I am like the blogger Pondside and see if it is available on my network.

  14. Have a wonderful battery-recharging event!


  15. I hope you enjoyed your vacation as much as I did. :)

  16. Sue, I hope you had a great "recharging" weekend and I look forward to hearing all about it! I especially like that it also inspires you creatively through your poetry. As you know, I love your poems.


  17. I cannot wait for the day I can pay full attention again. I think there is so much power listening or watching while it is live. But until my kids are a little older, I am SO glad I can listen to it on my ipod as I run in the mornings or clean while the kids are napping. Still, to be able to get that powerful recharge as it is delivered is something I greatly look forward to having again.
