Saturday, August 27, 2011

Special Delivery

Once again, I am in full Saturday Centus mode, and Ms. Matlock has given us a prompt this week that might almost be considered "normal." That's right...100 words plus a photo permit! (Thanks, Jenny.) The prompt, as is my custom, will be in red.


Special Delivery
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

“Surprise, I’m pregnant” were the words
she used to greet him on that day.
(In truth, it was a pillow stuffed
beneath her top.)

The man did not find this amusing.
His good humor quite gave way,
as for a moment there, he felt
his stomach drop.

“Why would you play me such a trick?
You know I’m nervous as can be.
The boss is treating me like dirt
when I’m at work.”

“This is no trick; it’s an announcement.
By the way, delivery
can be expected in 8 months.
Man up, you jerk!”



  1. Geez does he think it's only happening to him?? Sadly this is the reaction that some people give. That is why I am all for planned parenthood.~Ames

  2. Excellent job Sue !

    I wish I could write poems so easily, week after week. I dread writing them but always love reading yours !

  3. I agree with Ames. It takes two to tango! Men never seem to think it's as much their fault!! Another good poem, Sue.

  4. great poem I really hope the man in the story changes his attitude before the baby is born

  5. ok i got mixed emo here...for one it is way scary if you are ready or not when that announcement comes, but truly surely changes your life...

    and there was a boy i was working with recently whose girlfriend did play this trick...ugh...she was not but just testing his response...and that is way not cool..

  6. Ouch! Man up, indeed!


  7. You're right, Brian. She's being a little bit of a jerk herself, isn't she?

    (not exactly the most loving way to make that announcement)

    Thanks for the guys' view!


  8. I read this as if she was so full of excitement, she just wanted to let him know the news in a fun would have been bad if she had not really been pregnant!

    Gems xxx

  9. We had similar men in our Centus today. I was at a loss, but didn't want to read until I wrote...afraid I would be too influenced. Glad to know other posters had a not so nice guy!

  10. men. always so "excited" with the news. OK, some men aren't.

  11. so not the way to announce this when you know your man is stressed ... it could have been done so much better, and i bet the reaction would have been much different.

  12. He needs to get a grip before the baby comes.

  13. He'll be alright when he gets there I'm sure.

    Fancy another challenge? Here it is

  14. I think this couple has marriage problems! :) (more than just an unexpected pregnancy)

  15. good poem - we hope they both grow up when the baby comes.

  16. We can certainly get too comfortable, but one thing we can be almost sure of is rising to the occasion. That's what life needs. It's a good poem.

  17. Fantabulous! Again, the poetry just flows from you. The idea was pretty darned good. She probably could have picked a better way to tell him, but I sorta liked her wicked way.

  18. I'm glad I was never greated that way with my announcements of motherhood!

  19. Well why do they worry so much about the boss any way right?! For real he'll change his tune once the baby comes home!

  20. Too many young men, husbands or not, react this way!

    You did an excellent job of capturing it. It makes me want to kick this guy hard in the groin.

  21. just swinging through to say happy sunday!

  22. Eeeek! What an awful moment! I guess I was sooo excited, prepared and blessed with each of mine that it's hard for me to imagine that moment as being anything less. Put the shoe on the other foot...or on another way, eh? You think OUT of the box in a wonderful way. I obviously lack that!!!

  23. I don't know how you do this. It's my opinion that it just took him by surprise, and after he thought about it he surprised her with a candlelight dinner and a little gift. And he was thrilled. But that's the way my mind works.

  24. Love this prose. Good write with the prompt I can see so many jerks acting this way. SAD! Thanks for dropping by. Love your blog

  25. Several twists and turns in that poem. Kept me surprised all the way through. Good job. laurie

  26. It would be an unusual way to announce a pregnancy. To scare the guy, let him believe it was a prank then hit him with reality.

    Man up! It's your child on the way too. :)

  27. I am surprised he didn't get a heart attack or bolt out of the door...a trick like that is needed for jerks...Enjoyable as always.

  28. haha loved the delivery is expected part there at the end!

  29. Hmmm....hope they leave some money from the nursery redo for a marriage counselor!

    Fun read, Sue!

  30. Great poem, Sue. At least she tried to see the lighter side. But he really needs to look at his priorities!
    Thanks for visiting my post, which is actually two. Take a peek at 'Part Two' if you have the time!'
    Best wishes,
    Anna's SC wk 69 'Surprise, I'm pregnant - Part One'
    Anna's SC wk 69 'Surprise, I'm pregnant - Part Two'

  31. Honestly, I could relate...but only b/c my husband is NOT one for change. (AND we were actually TRYING for a baby!!!) But I knew he would adapt after he accepted the change, and he did. The tears of joy were obvious when those babies came out, and he's not one to shed tears for anything. And his devotion as a father is incredible. Your poem is fun and full of truth. But sometimes reactions are buried behind much more than the words that tumble out. :)

  32. Yeah, man up dude! Man, the nerve of guys sometimes! Why, they can be such babies themselves! (I heard it on Oprah) Awesome job, Sue!
