Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Not So Jolly Holiday

Still no resolution this morning.

Sometimes I wish we could take a holiday from those times in life when dreams are breaking on the sand and hope is water, slipping through our fingers. But living was never meant to be a smooth ride, was it? And tender mercies glisten in the sun.

We're counting on those warm and tender mercies.


  1. Oh Sue, I am so sorry for the difficulties you and your son are going through. My prayers are with you and him. I hope you get a resolution very soon.

  2. I'm still with you... hoping the sun comes out soon.

  3. Oh Sue, I hope everything is alright! I will be praying for you!

  4. Pulling and praying for you and your family!

  5. Keep your chin up.

    There is a great article in the Ensign this month about being of good cheer. It's not easy to look at trials cheerfully, but it really helped me this morning admist my own trial.

  6. Hang in there Sue. Prayer is powerful, as you well know. I wish we could just sit down and talk.

    I'm so sorry.

  7. I hope you get your tender mercy soon!

  8. my thoughts are with you and your family. You guys will ride through the storm. I like the comment about: be of good cheer. It is my mantra these days, along with: be believing, have faith, don't get discouraged, things will work out.

  9. praying them your direction...i hope the waves go smooth...

  10. Our prayers and thoughts are with you Sue.

  11. wishing hoping praying with you

  12. Still praying sweet Sue and hoping a resolution comes very soon. Hugs

  13. I'm suppose to talk in Sacrament meeting this Sunday on this topic...I hope you have a solution soon and I'll keep with the prayers.

  14. patience is such a hard thing...even when we know that neither the schedule nor the answer we await is really in our control. Having said that, maybe it's not patience, but giving up control that's so hard. Either way, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  15. Prayers are sent and tender mercies will come.
    Blessing to you!

  16. So sorry Sue! Saying prayers for him! He'll make it through this!
