Thursday, July 21, 2011

No News Is No News: Limbo Time!

We are still waiting in limbo land here. Apparently we should have an answer to our week-long ordeal tomorrow. Needless to say, we are praying like crazy that things go our way. (And if they don't, that we will find the strength to rally.)

It's hard to feel so powerless, but we know the Lord knows what He's doing (or not doing).

Thanks for the great support you've all been this week.

Click below for more N posts.


  1. ugh. I feel your pain. I'd be ready to pull out my hair...literally.

  2. Life's problems wouldn't be called "hurdles" if there wasn't a way to get over them. ~Author Unknown

    You're still in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Oh the anticipation! That is sometimes (for me) worse than the actual news. I hope that it isn't too difficult for you to wait. And I hope the long wait will bring wonderful news. Still praying.

  4. Whatever it is Sue, I hope it turns out to your wishing!

    I follow the previous posts, but still can't find your disclosure, and it doesn't matter anyway! Prayer is directed toward you and your family..

  5. Leave it to you to turn it into a Limbo party!

  6. I've been gone and I am catching up. I am so sorry about the "unpleasantness" that seems to be continuing. Ugh

    Hang on!

  7. I am thinking of you and your family. always on my mind

  8. I'm waiting with you with prayers..

  9. I'm a newbie to your blog so don't have the background to your current situation. But I just wanted to say that the combination of anxiety in the words of your post and the limbo music you chose to accompany it show that you are a resilient person. I hope everything turns out as well as possible. Hugs!

  10. I am new to your blog as well and also do not know your situation but here is another cliche to help with your wait "When one door closes, another door opens" Good luck

  11. I haven't stopped thinking about you all week. This is killing me - I can only imagine what it's doing to you. Hang in there! Sending lots of love your way -

  12. Ok, whatthehecks goin on?? Blogger is being ornery right now so I'll have to back track later.
    Just remember. life takes care of itself. You just gotta let it. And of course, keep the faith....

  13. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  14. oh, i REALLY hate waiting. and i'm sorry that yall are having to wait like this for a resolution. i hope one comes soon. :]

  15. I, too, don't know the background to your post but I certainly do wish that everything is resolved to your satisfaction. I have added my own prayers that it all works out.

    My Alphabe Thursday is at:

    Hope you have a terrific weekend!

  16. Hopefully this week will just end up being a big test and all will end the way you want it to.

    I really like what Sistas in Zion said about life's hurdles!

  17. Whatever it is, I hope that the resolution brings you back to a peaceful state. Sometimes the waiting and not knowing is harder than anything.

  18. So sorry, Sue. Waiting is not my bright spot, very painfully impatient. I'm sure it must be frustrating. Very much like birds letting loose in the sky. :) (I had to grin at that one. :) ) Praying for you. Much.

  19. Oh, but the music! You still are keeping your sense of humor. I love it.

    I don't love where you are, but I love the way you are working to work through it with grace.

    And I read your bird poem again because I needed another laugh. You are great, Sue.

  20. Prayers for you. Hang in there!~Ames

  21. Deep breathing will help ease the stress. We're still praying for you out here. xo

  22. Sending butterfly wings of love and hope your family's way.

  23. Oh Sue, I am sorry to hear you are still in limbo - I so know what it feels like to be in limbo I have been there for 16 months myself...Hang in there!! Still sending thoughts hugs and prayers your way

  24. Hang in there, Sue! I'm adding you to our prayers and hoping things go your way. I hate being in limbo land as well as the feeling of being powerless. Hope that everything works out for you and your family!

  25. Sue, sending prayers for you and your son. Sorry I've been away so long, had to read back through and catch up. We've been going through some trials right now ourselves, so I know that the waiting is the worst part. Hope all resolves the way you hope. Hugs, Kat

  26. I hope the news was good. Whatever it is, I've said a quick prayer on your behalf. God knows..


  27. Waiting is the worst. I'm trying to read ahead to see if everything is okay, sweetie.
