Monday, May 9, 2011


A little recognition is a good thing.

And roses make a statement; that's for sure.

But for this mom, words still say it best.

(love notes inside)



  1. So sweet to be given roses and a card with nice things inside.

    Happy Mother's Day late.

    Looks like a great day.

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Sue! Those roses sure are lovely, but the words and actions really are the things that make it a wonderful day, aren't they?

  3. Looks like it was a great day! Love those notes. :)

  4. So glad you received proper honor!

  5. Mother's day is a great day to be a mom- it's those other 364 that can be iffy sometimes ")

  6. Isn't that the truth?? That says it best! I saw only one of my children on Mother's day but they all called and started with "Happy Mother's Day, Mom"....and that meant the most!!

  7. Isn't sometimes the afterglow better than the actual day? To me it is because I can think about all the kind things they have done for me.

  8. Yep - more than dinner or anything else I love those phone calls and cards. Roses would be the icing on the cake!

  9. I think you are so right, Sue, it's the lovely notes inside that mean the most. I just wish that my kids wouldn't go to such expense to give me such wonderful gifts. It really isn't necessary and sometimes it is a hardship on them. Why they think it is necessary, I don't know. A really nice note is quite enough for me. Still, I do understand as I would always get some little something for my mom, but it IS the sentiment that really counts. I absolutely loved getting a phone call from each of my kids all in the same day. That only happens one a year. That is what makes Mother's Day so special to me. I love you all so much and it is so nice to know that you all love me right back.

  10. How sweet and nice too! Lucky mom!~Ames

  11. Happy Mother's Day, Sue!! I just know you are a fabulous mama!!

  12. Gorgeous roses and beautiful cards. I am glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Hugs

  13. I was lucky and got both this year. Really cute hands on both ends of a long strip of paper saying, "Mom, I love you this much!" from all 5 of my children. I am loved! A lot!

  14. How absolutely wonderful to know you're that loved. :)

  15. LOVE the roses and the sweet note! I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day! It's one day out of the year that we can count on the words that tell us what we do matters! :)

  16. I love the notes, they say it are good, they are nice but for me a note is perfect!
