Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love Seasons

Saturday Centus has rolled around again, and Jenny's prompt is so poetic that I had to follow suit. My 100 words are added in rhyming form, as you can plainly see. The prompt, as always, is in red (twice to be precise)!


April showers bring May flowers
(nature goes to work)
May blooms bring June prom-night rooms
(parents go berserk)
June trysts through July persist
(summer’s underway)
July fun turns to August sun
(good times every day)
August fries, September dies
(love is on the wane)
September views October’s hues
(perhaps, ‘twas not in vain)
October gold, November cold
(red-orange passions dance)
November chills, December stills
(Noel is soft romance)
December lights, January blights
(cuddle close together)
January blows, February glows
(valentines trump weather)
February hearts inspire March arts
(spring begins to fling)
March buds claim the April rain
(bluebirds on the wing)
April showers bring May flowers
(love is everything)



  1. I love it! Too cute... now a follower.

  2. Wonderful, Sue! Just wonderful! You really nailed it today!

  3. Wow, this was so cleverly written. Great job. I LOVED it.

  4. love is everything...nice romp through the months...hope you have a marvelous saturday!

  5. so, so good. Brought me back to appreciating all the seasons. Thanks

  6. Beautiful! We all have our favorite seasons, but this was a nice reminder that each season brings something, each season has it's own reason for being. Each season has a beauty.

  7. As always a very sweet poem dear Sue. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hugs

  8. I don't know how you do it and do it but you certainly have incredible writing talent!! It's a pure joy to read!

    PS.....say "Hi" to your mother for me and tell her I miss her!

  9. Excellent Sue ! You have a real knack for poetry and it flows so beautifully too !!!

  10. This is darling! You do so much and amazing things with rhyme!

  11. This is incredible!! I LOVE it!! I want to write it up and frame it!!! :)

  12. All those months blend right into a another, giving us all we need. :)

  13. An impressive artistic creation, Sue. My favorite lines are "Parents go bezerk" and the final line. This is a really beautiful way to encapsulate the year!

  14. Every week you do something I love. This was so charming. I read it to LaMar who promptly pronounced you a writer. (High praise - he works with writers every day.) I loved how it all circled around. This would be cute on a calendar.

  15. That was just fantastic to read, over and over again.

  16. You are very good at this!~Ames

  17. This is really great Sue. Glad you shared it with us today.
    As always great job!
    Appreciate all the get well wishes. I have been in bed most of today so thought I should get up for a while. Glad I did I enjoyed your poem
    Love ya

  18. There you go again writing a lovely poem; I loved it. You are say good at writing and a very favorite of mine.
    Blessings! LeAnn

  19. This actually brought tears to my eyes. Love IS everything! You are such a word smith!!

    You need to publish another book of poetry. Please. Pretty please.

  20. Such a tasty, 'full circle' rhyming treat...Peace and blessings

  21. I love the circle of love and seasons you had going on- brilliant!

  22. I like the line about parents.

  23. This makes me smile ..... thank you!!!!!!!!!

  24. Love it! This is way fun. Wish I had you around to visit my writing class.

  25. I AGREE with Rawknrobyn that this IS an artistic creation. It's not easy to put a poem together in this manner. Is there a special name for this type of rhyming? Most people (me included) would have to spend a very long time working this type of poem out, while you, on the other hand, just turn things like this out in almost minutes. Your buzzin' brain just works this way. It would be tedious for me, for you it was just plain FUN!

  26. What a great and fantastic poem you weaved for us on this week's SS! Precious and most enjoyable!

  27. Thanks, Sue, for "Love Seasons." How do you manage, every time, to publish such meaty and real posts? Things I love about this:
    "nature goes to work"
    "parents go berserk"
    "noel is soft romance"
    and there are others!

    Thanks for this great centus.


  28. Nice poem. Now I know where I get my talent

  29. A circle of life is recreated ...beautifully crafted. Enjoyed this.

  30. Sue, that was so well written... wonderful!!!

  31. You! You! You amazing, fantastic, incredible writer person, YOU!

    Sue. Please let me clone about a billionth of your talent! Purty please!

    Absolutely love this clever writing.
