Friday, April 15, 2011

Kreativ Blogger?

Thanks to Mari's World for the Easter-hued Kreativ Blogger award pictured above. I will now bore you with the proverbial seven things about me that you don't know (sorry). This may be a difficult task, as I'm all about self disclosure. Still, I will try to think of a few things I haven't blathered on about yet.

1. I don't even know how to operate a sewing machine. My mom tried to teach me once, but it didn't take. Note: I am a veritable whiz at hemming by hand, but only because I HAD to learn. Back in the day, there were no petites, and I'm a shortie. (Not the ghetto-girlfriend kind, but the my-legs-will-never-be-long kind). *sigh*

2. I once knew a wild pigeon named Sandy Blue who literally came when I called and would land on my arm, head, or shoulder. Best pet ever! (We nursed the feathered friend back to health after an injury, and that bird and I bonded, big-time.)

3. I am a major fan of Good Humor drumsticks (those pre-packaged ice cream cones with chocolate and peanuts on top). Be still my heart. The sugar fast is getting to me! Only nine more days...

4. I don't like to play games, especially board games (which I think should be spelled "bored" games). Scrabble is a bit of an exception, but I even get tired of that. Winning is so exhausting. heehee

5. Despite majoring in French, minoring in English, and earning a teaching certificate for secondary ed, I never taught school. There were no jobs available when I graduated, so I worked as a legal secretary (which paid more, anyway) until I had my first child. Once the chickens flew the coop, I went back to the same work for seven years. Now I am gloriously and joyously retired.

6. I'm thinking pretty seriously about writing another book on parenting. I have a lot of thoughts on the subject, most of them old-fashioned, so it's entirely possible there wouldn't even be a market for it. Hence, my hesitation. Still, I would like to organize my ideas and get them down on paper, so I haven't closed the door on book number four. (If I decide against parenting, I will probably work on a Christmas book with a collection of my Christmas Eve short stories, a few Christmas poems I've written over the years, and a couple of songs I've done for special programs.) Either way, I'm ready for a new project!

7. Once, when I was flying to Florida for a Caribbean cruise, a lady walked out of the bathroom (where I was waiting in line) and threw up all over me. I confess that I did not feel charitable, as I couldn't help wondering why on earth she came out before finishing her "business."


PS. I took off my shirt and washed it in the little sink with powdered soap, but it did NOT do the trick. Not an auspicious beginning to my dream vacation! (total gross out)

PPS. I had a terrific blogging experience this week when Karen of Still Crazy after All These Years spent one day and the night at my house before her job interview in San Francisco. Isn't it neat when online friends meet and exceed your expectations? We talked, had lunch, shopped, drove around a bit, went out to dinner (notice the I-don't-like-to-cook theme here), talked some more, and watched American Idol. All in all, a GREAT day. Thanks for coming, Karen!


  1. Well, I think you are a very enjoyable person to know! And I enjoyed learning these things about you!~Ames

  2. Aunt Sue- I'm glad we can keep in touch this way. I love your writing and your style. Miss you guys

  3. Congratulations on the award. Very deserved as I enjoy your blog very much. I loved your 7 things. #7 grossed me out and #4 made me think of Charlie Sheen....Winning LOL

  4. I'd read a parenting book by you- you've successfully raised responsible, contributing members of society who seem like good people.

  5. Sue, I LOVED reading those!! And I also LOVE that you and Karen got together. Even though I've never met either of you, from the kindness I've encounter with both of you on here, I can tell you two would be great friends.
    I think you should TOTALLY write a parenting book. To be completely honest, I read a bunch of very liberal parenting books before when I had my first daughter and they all made me just feel super guilty about everything. As it turns out, I was just naturally a "conservative" parent. I think more and more parents are realizing that some of the conservative parenting methods and principles actually work--like saying "NO!" and meaning it. I could go on and on.
    Oh and YUCK to the woman who puked on you. I would have been so freaked out.
    :) Caroline

  6. I think you should go full steam ahead on your parenting book. Seriously. I wish there had been parenting books by women who had actually been there done that. Back in those days they were all written by psychologists. All theories...although back then I thought they had most of the answers. You have gone full cycle since yours are all grown and you know what works and what doesn't ...and what works for a few years (or days)...and then backfires up the road. I will be first in line to read it if you do. I would love to know the similarities and differences in our parenting. And think how many young Moms you could help. I say go for it!

  7. First of totally DESERVE an award...and you should write that book!

    But it's kinda ironic that a literary wiz such as yourself should get an award where creative is spelled...soo...creatively??? :) ha ha

  8. Another book...yes! Being thrown up!

  9. oh, and duh! Congrats on your award!

  10. Congrats on the pretty award and it's always fun to learn something new about YOU!! I agree with sounds like you and Karen could be good friends...but then don't we all feel as if we know you??!?

  11. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comment. Congrats on your award. I am now your latest follower. I'd love if you get a chance for you to stop back and become a follower as well. Thanks so much. Have a great weekend.

  12. I knew I loved you for a reason...we must be soul sisters! I cannot sew for the life of me either...I do not enjoy all. I collect Christmas books so you must write one so I can add it to my collection...and I'm sure there are many other reasons too, but I'll have to wait until you get another cool award to find out what they are!

  13. how cool to get to meet bloggy friends...i cant sew...vomitted all over you...yikes...write that book...

  14. Sue, the pleasure was ALL mine. I had such a great time and I haven't stopped talking about it yet! Thanks for the fun and the food and for sharing your husband with me for the ride in to San Francisco. (Did he enjoy being shared?) He is such a gentleman and got me safely to the door, dragging my huge suitcase for me. (shameful that I can't pack lighter...)
    Write the book. Parenting? I'll pass it along to my kids. Christmas? I'm with Yaya - I collect those. I can't sew either - that's why we get along! And like you, the only "bored" game I like is Scrabble...and I always win. (Maybe you and I should play) Thanks again for sharing your darling house with me - you were a wonderful hostess to a nervous girl. You were so much fun I forgot to be nervous while I was with you! I've told LaMar we need to retire up there - he would love where you live!

  15. Congratulations on the award. If #7 had happened to me, I think I might have thrown up on the lady that threw up on me.
    I just met a bloggy friend for the first time this week too. So much fun!

  16. See, all these things we didn't know about you. I don't sew either. I feel bad because my son is now an 11 year old scout and I have yet sewn the stuff on his uniform. Sigh.

    I think you are a Kreativ Blogger too. So glad you got that award!

  17. Oh, how fun were these (well, except the last one, of course! That would be a hard one to take!!). I think those icecream drumsticks are part of what helps the world go round.
    I do know how to sew, but IT is out of necessity and is NEVER a happy experience for me. I should just throw in the towel and join you in the "it never took" arena: save all who are related to the project from the consequences of it. I am convinced my sewing machine is alive and hates me and eats anything I serve it.

  18. I love to read people's "7's"

    #7 was truly awful though--I am a sympathetic vomiter and so that would have just been such a mess, wouldn't it?! It was a nightmare when my kids were little...

    #2--that is so cool!!!! I always wanted a bird to do that. Is that weird?

    #3--yes, Yes, YES!!!

  19. Oh my gosh, Sue, there were a few things about you that I didn't even know about (or maybe I did, once, but have forgotten) We'll have to talk later.

    One thing that was interesting is that we are so very similar in our likes and dislikes. Board games to me are truly a bore, except for scrabble, at which we are both pretty darned good. It would be fun to have a one on one with you again one day.

  20. I forgot to mention how fun it must have been to have Karen visit with you. I have honestly felt that in the short time I've blogged that the friends I have met on line are truly friends. In fact I am dying to meet all of them face to face. I am hoping that when we go to Salt Lake this summer that I will get to meet LeAnn. I know she lives somewhere around there. I just wish I could travel to Ohio, Texas and so many other places to meet them all. I really don't have too many.......about 15 regulars,and that is just fine for me. That is about all I can find time for as I have to read all their blogs and make comments and it does take time, but so much fun......I JUST WANT TO MEET THEM ALL PERSONALLY.

  21. You had a pet wild bird? That is incredible!
    I think you should write a parenting book. For people like me who want to bring back "the good old days." I mean, not the spanking and what not (I hated that!) but other things that worked, that are now said to be "outdated." I would buy it, that is for sure.

  22. Ha! See you did find 7 things to say :) I think you should go with the book on parenting, people are always looking back and taking the best, you can't beat it.
    As for the vomit - that was gross, I'm surprised she didn't stop to help...or did you send her scuttling away?
