Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First the Eggs and then the Veggies...

Coloring eggs is serious work.

And the results are well worth guarding.

The Easter Bunny's got nothin' on these kids!

And neither does the Incredible Hulk!

Meanwhile, Dad is working on a project of his own.

Every family needs a vegetable garden, right?

What better way to help kids grow than a family project?

(What my son is doing here is called square foot gardening. You might want to check it out, as you can plant many more vegetables in a small area without weeding!)

(photos by tendershootz)

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  1. The easter eggs are great but I totally covet the square foot gardening "square!!!!! I wish I could get my husband to do a few of those for me!!!!

  2. Square foot gardening...I've never heard of that but it has me interested. I need to check that out.

  3. I love the pictures and the green and the kids and the busy dad. Square foot is the way to go.

  4. Those are some seriously awesome eggs. The Easter Bunny should be hiring them to do his dirty work!

    Square foot gardening is the only way to go! My parents have four beds set up in their plot, and in between the boxes they have wild flowers growing. It is absolutely beautiful!

  5. Love the egg painting, and really love the garden! Going to have to check it out for myself.

  6. speaking of shortest spring and summer in the area...YES, TRUE. Robb lived up here in the early 80s. He told me he planted a small garden and the only thing it produced was 2 small (ok, miniscule) radishes the size of the fingernail on his pinkie. Needless to say, we probably won't be planting a garden. Maybe I can learn to make soup from the 6+ foot ferns that grow beneath our house in the summer. LOL

  7. The eggs look great! Such bright colors!

  8. Looks like so much fun!!! We love coloring eggs at our house :) I love the garden box!! I want one! :)
    Happy Tuesday Sue

  9. anything that says "without weeding" is my favorite!

  10. Isn't Easter with the grandchildren wonderful.
    I am going to look at the square foot gardening; thanks for the link.
    Also, thank you for your comments on my site. I am such a newbe in writing and hope to imporve as I go.
    Blessings to you!

  11. They were taking the egg dying very seriously, weren't they?
    Have a great week Sue!

  12. I am excited to see how the vegetables turn out. I am pretty sure Heather will take a picture. At least I hope so. The thing that is so neat is that the kids are so interested in every thing,and especially if Dad or Mom participate. What a lot they will be learning as they grow up. I am so happy that they both take time with their kids.

    It was fun too, to see them so seriously dying the eggs. They did have a good time

  13. Great pictures! Love the idea of square gardening - will have to look into it!

  14. We love our Square Foot Gardens too...we have three of them and just turned them over for FHE last night!

  15. way to go dad! and the eggs looked wonderful...not to give them any ideas, but we launched ours off the deck easter evening...nice explosions of color and the deer ate them that night...

  16. Oh my!!!! I want that square foot garden!

  17. Yes, decorating eggs IS serious business!!
    I tried to talk my husband into square foot gardening, but he's too much of a farmer, he wants the rows in the ground.
    If only I could talk him into doing the weeding.... :D

  18. We did square foot gardening about 14yrs. ago when we lived in town and didn't have the room we do now. We didn't even have as fancy an outfit like your son! You can do it with small plots and hubby had all the veggies growing up a trellis type getup...it was fun and produced alot of food! The egg coloring looked so fun! I don't think you ever out grow that activity..atleast I haven't!

  19. Really loving that garden- I must do that!!

  20. I love that idea of gardening! Very cool!

  21. Square foot gardening is a great way to garden! (Yep, I have done it but my boxes are now decaying after many years.)
    Those Easter eggs are such pretty colours!

  22. This is what I what to try...square foot gardening. Thanks for sharing this!~Ames

  23. Wow I would love to have one of these gardens. What a cool idea!
    I put a few things in pots this year but this would work so much better.
    Love your pictues of Easter egg dying. lol
    Love ya

  24. I need to check out your gardening links. Thanks! And I love the cutie Incredible Hulk pic.

  25. Looks like a lot of fun! Now, if i could just get Hubs to make me one of those things.....

  26. I have never seen anyone make the grid for the square foot gardening. Very cool!

  27. Fun Easter pics! Looking forward to seeing what that veggie garden produces!

  28. Your son appears to be incredibly talented.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Matthew D. Anderson

  29. I can't wait to watch your garden grow! I have always been intrigued by the SQ FT gardening!

  30. Gardening looks like fun. I really need to work on mine lol

  31. How fun! Totally digging the sq ft garden.

  32. Sue, I loved this.

    I actually graduated from college with a B.S. in Ornamental Horticulture so I know all about square foot gardening. This is GREAT!

  33. We have a raised garden box and we LOVE it. (I limited it to tomatoes and peppers this year b/c we hope to sell our home.) Love the squares idea. And, there's nothing better than picking your own veggies!

    Sure hope that one is bountiful!
