Thursday, March 10, 2011


Who looks at the world

from a soaring height

with a lofty point of view

sees less of despair

than another might

and understands more

of what's true.

"Men are, that they might have joy." - 2 Nephi 2:25

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  1. Ahhh, just the moment I was looking for to get some perspective. Beautiful, Sue.

  2. Oh! Thanks for lifting my spirits with your beautiful photos!!

  3. lovely, lovely, lovely!
    wonderful perspective!

  4. Sue honey these photos are really awesome and so is your nehphew. I played his video and was really impressed. Great future ahead for that young man.
    I also read your post about Lent and I too have never did this but my grandchildren have done it now for the last few years. You have inspired me to.
    Always love coming by your site. It makes me feel good

  5. What a beautiful, uplifting post. Thanks.

  6. Sue, you sent me soaring .... beautiful post!

  7. Hey Sue, Oh! yeah,vistas: a distant view through blog-world.
    I was thrilled to see your comment and so happy to meet you, I'm your newest follower.

    Awesome photo's and your playlist has me soaring,thanks for the up-lift, I needed this.

  8. ohhh how I love the wide open spaces too!

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Pics #2 and 3 are scary to me..I'm hoping that is just an illusion and those children aren't really on the edge like that. They can't be, right?

    Gorgeous scenery I must say! And I think that child swinging understands real joy. :)

  10. Loving those gorgeous VISTAS!!!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Happy V Day!

  11. What a beautiful, inspired, and inspiring interpretation of the letter V. Thanks so much for the uplift!

  12. I'll try to notice what I see better. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. Even I, afraid of heights, enjoyed this post! Beautiful pics and inspiring words Sue..Thanks so much!

  14. great pictures sue
    but confirmed by fear of heights!!!

  15. Hi Sue! those pictures are mighty beautiful and a perfect place to experience a point of view at the top. Your comment was so sweet , thanks for your kind thoughts , it helps me to carry on to the very end . admittedly I get more discouraged with the lack of comments but 4 more weeks till Z anyway :) .

  16. another discouraging factor is not many alphabe thursday'ers click the follow me button so I am now just following you even though I've known you from the very start :)

  17. I love the third picture. I could so imagine myself sitting there :)

  18. Okay, a couple of those vantage points gave me the heebee jeebies! Not sure I want to satnd on the tippy top of a mountain peak like that -- but the vista is sure incredible!

  19. Beautiful photos that make me want to go to all of them!

  20. How lovely.

    I think that is so true, since I've moved to the top of my little mountain here, I feel more at peace and less worried about the little things in life...

    gorgeous photos!

  21. love it. maybe that's why i love living in the mountains. :)

  22. I love these. I would be a little dizzy at our those heights.

  23. Thank you for visiting my site ... and directing me to your beautiful post. Those photographs are just magnificent ... and aren't we lucky to have such vistas in our lives? Thanks for sharing.

  24. What a wonderful vision~ love the photos that accompany it!

  25. Just beautiful, I so enjoyed both the pictures and the words, as always. I always feel better when I read your words, you inspire me to see the beauty in life.

  26. Oh wow, Sue, what breathtaking vistas...You can really feel God's work first-hand looking at those magnificent photos!

  27. Wow, what amazing view!! I wish I was as brave as a couple of them sitting on top of the world!! We really have a beautiful planet. I have been so lucky to have traveled and seen so much and hope I can travel so much more But without your pictures it is very safe to say I would have never seen it from those veiws!

  28. Amazing Vistas, Sue. Fabulous Photos and music to enjoy, too! This post has it all! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Yes, yes yes!
    That was beautiful - vistas and words!

  30. wOW! So many comments you got on this post. It is indeed a good one and I love the poem. I know I've said it before, but I still don't know how you find and match so mnay beattiful photos to go with the poem.

    I wish I weren't so afraid of heights. Wouldn't it be incredible to view those sights in person? The photographer was absolutely terrific!

  31. I've tested this truth for myself...and you know's true!!
    Thank you for lifting me up...again.

  32. this was lovely. thanks for sharing. :]

  33. beautiful sights! Thanks for sharing! {:-Deb

  34. Beautiful. Heavenly Father did a good job didn't he?

  35. Those are some amazing vistas. And the perfect scripture to go with them.

  36. Oh this was a pretty one. So serene, so true. It made me feel all peaceful inside. I may have a new favorite.

  37. Those are really very inspirational photos.. thanks for stopping by

  38. What wonderful photos, Sue. Wait--all but the second one--that one made me very nervous!!!!

  39. great pictures to go with your words! like a breath of fresh air!

  40. All of the pilots in my family would agree with you.

  41. A beautiful reminder to keep our perspective. Thank you.

  42. Oh how beautiful! Nothing beats being on top of the world..

  43. Wow, Sue. Such moving words and beautiful images. This filled me with the Spirit this morning.

    Thank you. :)

  44. I hope that all these pictures are photoshopped, because I would already have fallen down the rocks !

  45. That last photo is my favorite. And what a great message.

  46. Late getting here:) but what a VIEW!

  47. Your pictures are spectacular and while I love that you visited and left me a comment I cannot publish a comment with a link.

    Thanks and God bless.

  48. Beautiful views and your poetry is perfect!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you for your sweet visit and soooo blessed to hear that that your nephew is doing well.

  49. Oh Sue.

    While I will admit to having a bit of vertigo from a few of these pictures the poignant message was so worth the dizzy.

    Absolutely lovely.

    Thank you for lifting our spirits by sharing your joy in life!


  50. Beautiful photos that are all activating my fear of heights! What wonderful perspective they bring though! Thanks for stopping by The Simple Life.

  51. LOVE your blog. Always thoughtful. Sometimes the great thoughts come through humor, other times, through inner soul radiating inspirational beauty. You are a wonderful person! I do so hope things work out for your son the way he hopes!

  52. The photos remind me of how much I miss hiking, the beautiful vistas, challenging your body, and pure feeling of accomplishment when you've competed another trail. Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
