Friday, March 18, 2011

A Slight Departure

Being silent has never been my forte, but it seems more than appropriate to join with other bloggers who have decided to dedicate one day of blogging silence to honoring and supporting the people of Japan in their time of need. Living in California, I can relate very personally to the type of tragedy they are experiencing, yet few of us can even begin to imagine the devastation of combined earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear concerns that Japan is facing.

Those who wish to do so may donate to the Red Cross here. I have made my own donation through the humanitarian aid fund of my church because it covers administrative costs, ensuring that 100% of funds received go directly to those who need them. (Should you join me, be sure to write "Japan disaster relief" in the comments box of the online donation form.)

My thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people.


  1. Both my brother and my daughter's roommate served their missions in Japan and we have a boy in our stake there now so Japan has been in our hearts for a long time. Which only makes what is happening there even sadder--if that is possible.

    I read a story this morning that was so heartbreaking I could barely stand it. I am glad we can help out financially, but I am also glad that we can offer prayers. The pain and fear involved is so much greater than any person or even group of people can eliminate. I know there has to be a purpose in it all, and that God will watch over the survivors, but it still is very hard to comprehend.

  2. Such a tragedy is almost beyond comprehension. I join you in prayers for those hard working people. It will take years for them to recover, but recover they will. So may deaths though, so VERY VERY sad. Watching that tsunami was sureal. I have never seen anything like that and can only imagine the fear that it induced. Still can hardly believe that it reached our California coast and that one man close to your part of the ocean was washed away. The power of that tsunami was overwhelming. I'm glad you posted this.

  3. I don't think there's a family out there that doesn't have some connection to Japan in some way. It turns out to be a very small world.

    I love being able to donate through the Church, never have to wonder what kind of good they are doing. It's amazing what they can accomplish when we all give a little.

    Thanks for sharing this.


  4. I'm stunned to silence. Every morning I awake and turn on the news only to find it worse then the day before.
    So sorry and saddened for these brothers and sisters.

  5. It is great to be able to donate through the church!
    I didn't realize today was a bloggy silence day...oops.

  6. I'm glad you mentioned a way to donate to Japan through the church. That way we know every cent is going to those in need, and not for someone's salary.

  7. It's truly beyond comprehension, isn't it? Even viewing the film clips on's more than I can wrap my head around.

  8. Sue I wish I had seen this I would of participated too
    I still can not believe all of what has happened to Japan. So heartbreaking and they certainly need everyones support and prayers.
    Thanks for posting this
    Love ya

  9. Beyond sad. What has struck me so, is that in the face of such tragedy these people are still unendingly polite and considerate of those around them. You don't see pushing and shoving. No fighting. I've been inspired by their gentle stoicism. It's hard to watch the videos of the tsunami and destruction. And then the snow. I've been grateful for what the Church is able to do with our donations.
