Saturday, January 1, 2011


Not only is it New Year's Day, but it is Saturday Centus time...thanks to my good friend, Jenny Matlock, who understands that the first day of the year is a perfect moment to muster one's creative forces and add 100 words to a well-chosen prompt. (That prompt, as usual, will be in red.)



Her crumpled up list of resolutions stared at her accusingly. This had to be some kind of record. 10 carefully selected, eminently reachable goals…and every one of them broken by January 5th. Less than a week to blow the whole list sky-high: a second set of fireworks with nothing to celebrate. She wouldn’t be losing 20 pounds, thinking before she spoke, making her bed every morning, or turning up her nose at men who were separated but not divorced (that one hadn’t lasted through the weekend)…

The die? Cast. The remedy? NO • MORE • RESOLUTIONS.

(Finally, a resolution she could keep.)



  1. Amen! No more resolutions!'s okay to have a few ideas to helping us be better right?
    But I'm sure I'll have broken a few before Jan. 5th too. It reminds me of how I felt after I was baptized and then got mad at my sister the next day....ugg..unclean already! Oh, the naivete.

  2. One someone's blog I read she was making "plans" instead of resolutions...I like "plans" because plans can change, move around, be trashed, or put off as I usually do! Or better yet, just crumpled and thrown in the trash!

  3. I think it's much easier to take it a day at a time than to try to resolve for a whole year!!! God bless her and her intent/attempt, anyway. Good one Sue!

  4. love your playlist!
    And this post! thanks Sue!

  5. hahahahaha I love it. I was toying with a few resolutions but since they haven't made it to paper yet...i'm thinking they will fade into the back of my mind never to be seen or heard from again.

  6. My resolutions are no different from the ones I make every morning when I get up. I am sooooo weak!!!

  7. So, does this mean no resolutions for you?

  8. That's how I use to feel about New Years Resolutions. But one year I decided to really go for it, and pledged to write in my journal every single day for a year. I was SUCCESSFUL, so from then on I made goals every year. I don't always keep them totally, but good things have come from the weeks or months that I did.

  9. In answer to a couple of your questions, I do happen to be a fairly enthusiastic resolution-maker.

    Too often, of course, I am also a resolution-breaker.

    But this year, I mean business! I'm going to try like crazy to keep my two main ones!!


  10. Oh, it is like you captured my life here! I don't want to fail so this year instead of writing resolutions, I am just "thinking" of goals!

  11. Now that is one I can agree on more resolutions. Five days would be something for me ...hahaha
    Came by honey to check on you and wish you a very Happy New Year!
    Love ya

  12. You hit lots of nerves with your take on this week's prompt..we can all relate! Happy New Year!!

  13. Well, I am not a resolution maker, but usually do enjoy the new beginnings of a new year. Increased health, spirituality and some organization would be high on my list and are on my mind currently.

    Do love the writing :)


  14. I like to write down a few things/resolutions that I want to keep. It's a form of repentance for me - starting anew and trying not to look back and repeat past mistakes. Sometimes I don't make it, but usually at least one sparks and starts a small fire.

  15. That sounds like my kind of resolution!

  16. haha no more resolutions sound good to me. I dont think I have ever kept one either!!

  17. I loved this Sue. We were on the same wavelength this week. I don't even bother making resolutions anymore. Kat

  18. Dear Sue,
    Your centus really shows how impossible it is to keep these New Year's Resolutions. Actually, I have never made any, so I have never have had to be disappointed in not being able to keep them. I think it's best to take one day at a time and do the best you can with what you have to work with at that moment in time.

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my centus.
    Yes, my protagonist has big plans...

    I have written a second text version of this centus and would be happy if you could come back and read it if you have the time.

    Peace & Blessings,

    Anna's SC#35 + second text

  19. That's the best resolution to have - not to make any!!

  20. I hate resolutions! They sound so depressing--like having to give up something you like (as in chocolate) for something you really don't want to do, but think you should. I saw where some people are calling them "plans" instead. That might be better but not very concrete. I think I still like the word goal. To me plans fall through, and resolutions are broken, but goals and be stretched, bent and adjusted. :-) I guess it really doesn't matter what we call it, this is a good time to evaluate our lives and make positive changes.

    Best of luck to you and yours. And I wish you a Happy New Year!

  21. So funny, funny, funny!

    Loved it. And love that she couldn't keep even one of her resolutions for a week.

    I last until at least February!

    Well done.

  22. i'm sorry to say i'm a sucker for resolutions. i like the new year's goals to renew and go forth! but i also don't mind calling it something else;-) i resolve to be less fearful and more faithful. ok, let's see if i can get my actions to reply...

  23. I just loved your take on the centus ... what a great final resolution!

  24. Wow, all those resolutions were broken at break neck speed LOL. I like the no more resolutions. That's how I felt this year. It's just to defeating LOL.

  25. Well I'm for that! No more resolutions! Yeah!!! Great one Sue!~Ames

  26. Well said, my friend. Well said.


  27. I loved this and the last line (Finally, a resolution she could keep) Summed it up! Nice writing, I enjoyed your centus. :-)

  28. This was awesome, Sue! I completely agree that resolutions do more harm than good! A wonderful piece this week!

  29. Sue! I love this! What a great read...even though I'm a few weeks late!
