Friday, January 28, 2011

Life Flight

©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson (text only)

There is a time to test our wings...

to strike out on our own.

But those who go the distance

rarely choose to fly alone.


Today I am feeling grateful for friends and family who support and uphold us as
we journey through the ups and downs of life in an imperfect world.
We climb highest and farthest when we are in good company.


  1. Lovely poetry to remember! and great choice of images for it.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  2. Wow! Great pictures to go with your words. I almost felt I was soaring with those birds as I was listening the beautiful John Denver music. Oh, how nice. Hugs

  3. I love that you always find the perfect way to convey your feelings- you never seem to be at a loss for words.

  4. I concur. I need all the lifting up I can get, that's what friends and family are for.thanks

  5. So true. I don't know how we could ever go it alone. Support from friends and family is so nurturing.

  6. I can't tell you how many times this has applied to my life. I am quite the loner but when I really need the help I have never been alone.
    Stunning pictures, btw.
    I'm so glad that others have been able to lift and comfort and help you as you have done for so many others.

  7. How true. What would we do without wonderful friends to support us? We are so fortunate to have many of these here in the desert. I am so glad that we moved here.

  8. so true. glad to call you friend and share the journey!

  9. I love this. So true and so profound.

  10. Yes we do Sue and especially with friend like you.
    This is lovely and I really enjoyed visiting you tonight.
    Your mom wrote such a lovely post herself tonight.
    I can see where you get your gift for writing.

  11. I have just a few close friends...I've never been one who needed or wanted a posse to hang with! But I know that if needed, a phone call, a shout-out, a request for help would be answered quickly by the many Sisters I've had the privilege of knowing in our little branch and also at my work. It's me who feels that I want to be the doer, the meal taker, the helper, not the one needing it done. I forget that it denys blessings when we don't ask for help. I'm glad you have such a great network of friends and I'm sure you're the best friend to others!

  12. Isn't that the truth??!? I have three close friends who mean the world to me and whom I can hardly picture going through life without! They are my rocks in trouble, confidants in stress, and much fun all the time!! And then there are my hubby and daughter who are my best buds too...yes, I feel blessed!!

  13. I'm the one in the middle. Never alone. As it should be.

  14. this was a great reminder to think about all of the amazing people in my life. thanks!

  15. I love, love, love those photos...and the words that go with. Lovely.

  16. Soooooooo true. I'm constantly reminding people that God wants us to help one another out; He doesn't intend for us to go it alone.

    Was that John Denver this morning? I have his greatest hits on CD. Barry Manilow too. :)

  17. Lovely - and JD was playing while I reading and it was simply beautiful! Hang in there!!! Friends are priceless...

  18. Sue, This is so very beautiful. The photos and the poem enrich one another.


  19. I so agree that we climb highest when we are in good company! We were not meant to be on this journey alone.

  20. I love that you dedicated that to everyone who has touched you and helped you. Beautiful. It was, as always, magical.

  21. This made me think of family members traveling through a life fraught with obstacle. Beautiful.
