Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good Friends Last Forever

This photo of young women who grew up together in my church family
and are now wives and mothers of their own families makes me happy.
Good friendships last forever.


PS. You would be amazed to hear how many children they have among them!
(Hint: It's a BIG number!!)

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  1. That's so sweet. I never lived anywhere long enough to know that many young women and establish a friendship like that. Plus, my parents moved from my "homeward" so I don't have that either.

    I think 40 is a good guess.

  2. Girlfriends are life savers, I'm sure of it! Lovely photo.

  3. what a cool picture. What a sad day. Did my brother make it? I know he was going to try.

  4. This is so cool, love the story! Great photo! xx

  5. That is lovely to hear and makes me smile too.

  6. Wow, that's amazing! Girlfriends are great, even more so when you share the same faith and values.

  7. Yes please do tell the number. So what were they together again for?

    I really see my age when the youth in the ward get married and reproduce!

  8. Lovely photo...girlfriends are such a needed part of life.

  9. It's great when old friends are able to get together.

  10. So sweet that they are friends throughout all the years. :)

  11. smiles...it is great when families stay together in proximity long enough for this to happen...it is a beautiful thing....

  12. Thanks for the link back! And thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment! I love to see friendships last like this! It's nice to grow up together and have kids that have the same friendships you and their parents had! Love it!

  13. That's just wonderful! Reminds me of my friends that I grew up with.

  14. Great photo. How fun!!

  15. Sadly, they were all here to attend the funeral of one of their brothers. But it's wonderful that so many of that group were there to support her.

    There is so much strength to be found in our enduring friendships, isn't there?


  16. There are only six of them. So I would guess that maybe it would be about 36. Six kids are considered to be a big family these days.

    You will tell us how many, won't you?

  17. Friendships like this are something to cherish. I'm going to make a guess with 50!


  18. How sweet! And I am curious to know how many children??? :)

  19. I'm curious to how many children-- my guess is 22.

  20. How wonderful to have such a tight bond through life. Great pic to go with a great story.

  21. I loved the pictures of your friends and the sweet association that you had with them. I know the feelings to find out how they are all doing. I recently connected on facebook with two of my Laurels from Las Vegas when we lived there. It has been so fun to hear about their lives. They have young adult children now and I feel very old.
    Blessings and hugs to you! LeAnn

  22. A very happy post! Love that photo. So many beautiful women.

  23. What a pretty group of girls! It's nice to get a picture all together, although the occasion wasn't cheerful. There's nothing like good girlfriends!

  24. None of them looks old enough to have a ton of kiddos! I'm so sorry it was for a funeral that all of them came together, but I'm sure they were a great support for one another.

  25. What a wonderful picture!
    My girls grew up like that with all the same friends and YW group. I hope someday they get a picture like this too (although not a sad reason to go with it - Boo).

  26. Long lasting friendships always makes my heart skip a beat. Lovely photograph

  27. That's so neat! That is some eternal friendship going on right there!

  28. What a fun picture!! I love it. Sisterhood is such a strong bond!

  29. How wonderful that they all have one another! Happy indeed.

  30. i can see the pure happiness on each of your faces :)

  31. I love to see photos like this one! I had lunch recently with many friends from high school that we still keep in touch with. They are treasures now :)


  32. What a happy photo indeed! They are a beautiful bunch. I can only imagine all their beautiful children together must be a sight for sore eyes.

    25 children all total?

  33. Good friends are such a treasure! I love that they have stayed in touch, and stayed good friends!

  34. I love having dear friends that stand the test if time, they are so important.
