Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jousting at Windmills

And the world will be better for this

that one man, scorned and covered with scars

still strove, with his last ounce of courage

to reach the unreachable stars!


(That's assuming that my husband ever DOES grow up, of course...)

Our niece's baby (Sully) is in surgery today, and we'd appreciate any prayers you might like to send his way. Thanks!

click below for more happiness-boosting photos


  1. Love your words and pictures as always. Looks like they were having so much fun.
    sorry to hear about the baby in surgery. What is wrong? Hope all goes well.

  2. Awesome joisting swords!

    I'll be praying for your neice.

  3. Thank goodness for empty wrapping paper tubes! And prayers will be coming your way!

  4. Such fun, jousting.

    Sweet little Sully has prayer going up for him from here. Hugs

  5. Ha, What fun!!

    Hope all goes well...prayers and thoughts your way.

  6. Prayers for baby, cheers for Grandpa.

  7. oh that looks like it was a fun time! gotta love paper tubes! Sorry to hear about Sully, i will send some prayers...

  8. fun pictures.
    I'm sorry to hear about the baby, I'll be thinking about her today.

  9. I love your picture of space with your circle around the one star! That is a wonderful goal! I need to pass this on to my kiddos too! I also love the jousting!

  10. You've got one resilient soldier on your hands. With this soundtrack, this was very amusing.

    I'll be sending prayers for Sully's smooth surgery and quick recovery.

  11. Those are the best moments. Everyone has a good time- not just the kids. But it's memories they will always remember. Thanks for stopping by today. Good to have you!

  12. That is too cute - and I'll also say a prayer for your niece.

  13. OH yes, some things never change. My mother told me when I got married 36 years ago that men are just little boys grown tall. Well that's not quite right, but there is a little truth in it.

    LOVE your wood floors!

  14. Cute photos. Praying for Sully!

  15. This post brought a big smile. Grandpa and children are the best combination. Prayers will be sent for the family and sweet baby Sully
    By the way I forgot to tell you that The Spirit of Christmas Story should be made into a children's book; if it isn't already one. It brought tears; a very sweet story.
    Blessings to you! LeAnn

  16. Oh, that's so great, Sue! It's like a scene out of my own home.

  17. P.S. Saying a prayer for the adorable Sully now. XO!

  18. Cute Cute pictures! I say there is nothing better to do with wrapping paper tubes!!

    Prayers going to Sully - poor baby!

  19. That's a scene that was played out in our home for years! Nothing like a good paper roll fight, and the dog liked it too! Sorry to hear about Sully having surgery...hope all goes well.

  20. I'll be sure to add Sully to my prayer list.

    Love the jousting, looks like it was loud and fun.

  21. That is the best kind of jousting. Dream the impossible dream. But for now I'm kicking me some grandpa behind!

  22. Aww! How fun that looks! I love playing with my little boy and hope someday when we do have grandkids that I can be as fun and energetic as I am now..well not "as" but still .. ya know! We're kids at heart anyways too! Nice shots

  23. love it when the men-folk act like boys! gives me the giggles!
    Hope the surgery went as planned and the baby has a quick recovery!

  24. All the best for the new year and thanks for the visits.. nick

  25. Prayers your way for the sweet baby...and thanks for the jousting smile! Aren't grandfathers the best? I've been away from blogging for awhile (a mountain vacation) so I'm just now catching up.

  26. Can I come visit? That place looks awesome.

    What knights they are- much nicer looking than the ones of medieval times.

    I hope Mr. Sully has some nice nurses to attend to him, and that all goes well.

  27. It is so neat that Sully has so many people praying for him. He can use all the prayers he can get. Such a sweet baby....he probably couldn't figure out what had happened to him, with all that pain.

    As for Grandpa, I think it is so wonderful that he can play so well with the G'kids. No wonder they love to be with him so much!

  28. Loved the words and photos, Sue! I'm so sorry to hear that Sully needed surgery. I must've missed that post. Sending well wishes and thoughts their way.

  29. What a perfectly wonderful grandpa! And I hope he never does grow up. What lucky kids those are that they have someone so young at heart who will play with them!
