Monday, October 18, 2010

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!

My husband is getting closer to that day when he will retire (not soon enough for me!), and sometimes we talk about what we might want to do with ourselves once that day finally comes. We come up with all kinds of ideas, but none quite so creative as the one pictured below.

I wish this video were bigger, but it does the job. Of course, if you put your cursor at the top of the black box, just below the word "Video" and click on "full screen," you'll be able to see it in super-size. Either way, this has to be one of the coolest things I've seen in awhile. What fun! =D


  1. So are you sayin' we'll be seeing you in a red wagon soon?
    What a creative thing to do. And it looks like it was a project that they enjoyed making together.
    Carry on retirement!!

  2. Can't say he's ready to throw in the towel just yet, but he did turn 60 this year! That oughta put us somewhere in the home stretch, right?


  3. I certainly have never seen anything like THAT!

    So you are thinking about having a retired husband too huh. My husband has retired once about 10 years ago (from LAPD) and he is getting ready to retire again this December. He's 61.I'm a little nervous about it being I don't want him to get bored. But on the other hand it will be so nice to be able to come and go as we please

  4. That is amazing. A definate head-turner!

  5. I saw that this weekend. Not in real life, on the web. I think these 2 are the cutest couple on earth and their wagon rocks. Alaska? Bring it on south.

  6. Now THAT is cool! I love how the steering wheel is an actual wheel. FUN!

  7. Can I have a ride if you build one? I can picture you doing something super cool like that Sue. And thanks for the advice- it's always appreciated- even in novel form =)

  8. I am in full support of this idea!

  9. That is great, I'm surprised noone in this town has on of those!! so fun, I had to send it to myself to watch tonight at home!! (again and again)

  10. Gonna send the link to Brad so he can plan accordingly!

  11. I'm just glad he is actually thinking of retiring. I am so glad that Dick retired when he did at 55. True, we don't have the same pension that we would have had he worked longer, but it is enough for us. At least I still have HIM!

    That red wagon car is really something, isn't it? I can just see Dave tooling around in something like that!

  12. What a fun project! I love looking at fun cars/projects like that. You can tell they've had a really good time doing them.

  13. That is way too cute. I love it. I could just see you guys riding around in that.

  14. Oh I saw this on another blog a couple of days ago! It's wild!

  15. That was so cool!! How fun to ride around in. So many people want to drive expensive sports cars. It makes you wonder why they would want to do that if they could drive a red wagon instead? :-)

    Good luck on your husband's future retirement. I am sure you will have a great time together.

  16. I'm going to have to share this one with my dad. He's turning 74 this year, and he likes to build stuff. He'd get a kick out of it.

  17. I think the red wagon is fitting! Nothing better than reliving your childhood...travelin around in a wagon! Too stinking cute!

  18. I saw this couple on the news. What whimsy this guy well as patience. It took him a long time to complete the transformation from truck to wagon.

  19. Darling! Who wouldn't wanna ride in that?!

  20. Brilliant! I'm a firm believer that having a happy life means having a good sense of humor. I love this idea--makes me smile!

  21. Now that was amazing. Do you all plan to build something outstanding like that? That would be cool to see what you come up with. :) Hope you enjoy your retirement as much as hubby and I do. Hugs

  22. Amazing. Genius. Beautiful. I am somewhat in love with that beautiful wagon. Do it! Really, just do it!
