Monday, September 13, 2010

Climb Every Mountain?

Lately, I feel like I'm trying to scale a mountain of writing assignments that I can't quite seem to get under control. It seems my life and church responsibilities have been keeping me busier lately. Bad timing, because on top of my blog, my poetry, and yesterday's Relief Society lesson, I've been editing not only my son's (already rather late) secondaries for medical school but several similar essays for my kids' friends and my friends' children. Worst of all, I still haven't turned in a guest post that I promised to Jocelyn Christensen about The Family Proclamation. (Am I too late, Jocelyn?) Nor have I submitted anything to Mormon Women, as I promised I would before the month ends. (Don't worry, Michelle. I do remember.) Sheesh! I used to be good at deadlines, but that sure hasn't been true this month.

No matter how busy I get, I don't like to let my daily (except for Sunday) blog post go. For me, that is my moment of relaxation and connection with writing just for me. A lot of the writing I do online and otherwise is by assignment or for church, and the writing I do for myself alone fills my cup in a different and important way. However, that is a little less true when I am not coming through on other things. (Okay, it's a lot less true!)

Ah, well. This week looks pretty clear, and I am going to work like crazy to catch up. One thing is for sure. I do love writing, whether here or elsewhere.

Editing? (especially when word limits apply) Not so much.


PS. This just in! I won Freaky Friday over at Leigh's Laundry. Good things really do come in threes... =D


  1. That picture was perfect for this post. I don't think there is a woman alive who can't relate. At times our regular mountains just seem to tall to climb! I think of that saying often "how does one eat an elephant? one bite at a time."

  2. I'm eating an elephant this week, too.
    We'll reconnect when we're down to tusks, k?

  3. I think finding the right balance in life is so hard. It is so easy to get overwhelmed with the things we want to do. Good for you for not neglecting the thing that helps you relax (your blog). Good luck with your deadlines!

  4. Congrats on your win, Sue. And I love the picture of the woman scaling a mountain of paper. It describes one of the mountains I'm climbing this week. The other one would have to be a mountain of kid's stuff with lots of soccer gear and pre-school stuff.

  5. I feel the same- only it's planning YW in excellence. Bah! Good luck with your mountain of papers and assignments.

  6. Honestly, I just can't understand why you let yourself in for doing things like editing for friends. Yes I can. You are just everyones friend and they know how good you are at writing so they take advantage of you. But what are friends for, if not to help out when it seems like a good thing? Anyway, I do really understand and it is just too bad that all this helping had to come all at the same time. You will dig out though, I know, because you always do.

  7. I feel your pain. This is the first day I have had time to get on the computer in almost a week and I really don't have the time...You know what I mean.
    But I missed all the blogs so I needed a little me time :-D
    I know you'll get caught up, you are a fabulous writer!

  8. Oh Sue, I am with you. Feeling so stretched all over the place. Trying to get a manuscript done, some promised essays written, my church calling, oh, and school started. I've been awol on your blog and have missed it.

  9. Overworked, underpaid...ain't that the life. I am with you, though, when it comes to blogging. It is so fulfilling to me. It just something that nothing else can.

  10. Seems like we are all running around trying to "git 'er done"!! Hope you catch up and I am such an admirer (sp?) of you who can and do blog every single day! I am alway sure when I click on your blog I will be entertained, uplifted and, or utterly charmed!!

    Love ya girl!

  11. Slow and steady wins the race. Don't push yourself too hard. You will get through.

  12. Sue
    I wanted to say how lovely your treat envelope was for Tom. You were so kind and considerate to him. He loved the poems especially. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  13. Feast or famine, huh? I had to help Zach today with his personal letters today being sent out for interviews. There was so much to do at work but I felt i needed to help with that, Kind of stressed me out, so I understand how you're feeling. Take it one day at a time, my friend. We'll just have to entertain ourselves until you're freed up!

  14. I think it's 'life' we're experiencing - right? We all have our mountains to climb - so glad I'm not in this all alone :)


  15. (Don't worry, Sue. I know.)

    And I understand. ;)
