Tuesday, July 13, 2010

That Old-Time Magic

That old-time magic childhood brings

Springs from the very simplest things...

The sprinklers on a sunny day

The innocent desire to play

The fruit of life in rich supply

And sparklers on 4th of July

(Yep, these are my grandkids!)

all photos by Heather of TendershootZ


  1. What fun photos, and I love the old time fun you all had. That is what makes the best memories!

  2. I love the photos of the kids... what a good momma to take all those pics of the ever moving kids! Were they at your abode for the 4th? Love the poems and pictures!

  3. I love summer, and all the childhood that fits into it. What cute grandkids you have.

  4. Summertime is the best, isn't it? Even better with kids, as it brings out the kid in all of us.

  5. Aw cute pictures...looks like fun!

  6. Full of joy! Being a kid is so exciting.

  7. So glad you liked my posts and the songs I included. Pete Yorn - somewhat adds when the musicians are also eye candy!!!

    Your post is very sweet and lovely.

  8. Wow! Looks like waaaay too much fun!

  9. that brings back all sorts of summer memories for me from childhood - love it!

  10. What fun! :) The simple pleasures of being a kid!

  11. What sweet grandkids! Some days, I'd like to fast forward life to that part...


    PS: Thanks for posting that poem in my blog comments. You wrote that, right?

  12. I felt like a kid again just looking at those pics!

  13. Watermelon is the flavor of the 4th of July.

    Beautiful memories.

  14. Those are three lucky kids---to have a Mom who can spend so much time with them and who plans so many fun things for them to do each day----and to have a Grandma who can write such lovely rhymes beneath each of their fun pictures!

  15. Did you write the poem? So perfect to describe summer!
    Your grandkids are just so cute!

  16. Love your post once again. Cute pictures.

  17. Great post. You have really captured the beauty and magic of summer and childhood.

  18. You sure have a great ability to write beautiful things. Loved it! Reminds me of my great childhood!

  19. I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I wanted you to know that lately I've been bemoaning how quickly my sweet kiddos are growing up. I mean, the oldest two are only 11, but still... it's like time is going by WAY TOO FAST! Reading your blog helped me realize that I have lots of fun in store as a grandmother! Thanks! (:


  20. sparklers, watermelon and running barefoot through the sprinkers, I really miss those days! Think anyone would find it unusal if I decided to indulge?

