Tuesday, June 29, 2010

WANTED: One Beautiful Day...

WANTED: one beautiful day at the shore;
a good log for sitting; an ocean to roar;
a paper for reading; a bit of a breeze;
a pair of bare feet (hold the sand, if you please);
some driftwood, some shells, and the smell of the sea.
Now cut me a deal. Did I hear you say FREE?!


  1. Sounds great...Sign me up too please!

  2. That is great....I could use one of those days this week!

  3. Okay that's just unnerving--the picture looks freakishly like our grade school's art teacher!

  4. count me in! I miss the beach, and as you know (due to all the twilight phenom here)... our beaches near Forks are c-o-l-d and rainy

  5. Ahhhh, the smell of the ocean! Guaranteed relaxation right there. I still want my bonfire and s'mores. Anyone? Anyone??

  6. I love that picture.

    Thanks for tip to take time alone! I have been doing that, what a difference it makes.

    Let's meet up for lunch sometime!
    Texas isn't THAT big, right?

  7. Have them cut me a deal too! I'm in!
    I took some YW to the pool today. 80 degrees, no humidity...perfect for a grown up like me. They whined and complained until I brought them home...they were too cold.
    So much for a relaxing perfect day at the pool!

  8. The smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves. Ah. That's why I love No Cal beaches. I can so do without all the sand, however.
    Where is that picture from!?

  9. Not sure, Jen. It was a public domain picture I found online. Pretty funny, huh?


  10. So are you planning a beach trip? Your poem sure makes me want to go. In 2 hours I could be to one.

  11. Oh and btw, perfect beach music! I don't know how you coordinate it all, but you do.

  12. I am SO with you! I could use a relaxing day at the beach listening to the waves - sigh....

  13. True happiness, indeed. I think we're due for a beach vacation! Thanks for the reminder how great the beach can be!

  14. Love the photo although I wouldn't let the bird stay on my head.

  15. Cute photo!!!

    Sounds like a great time - can I come along too?

  16. Let's go. Meet me at the beach in one hour.

  17. Hard to believe that there are a lot of people in our country who have never seen the ocean. I was so happy when we moved from Idaho to California. I would hate not being able to go to the beach, now that I know how really neat it is. I love listening to the gulls and just letting go. I think it would be hard not to relax if you were that close to the water. Needless to say, we are looking forward to Newport too.

  18. Actually, Jill, we are having our annual Newport Beach family reunion in July, for a whole week. Can't wait!


    PS. I was at Santa Cruz yesterday to get my personal beach fix until the big trip...

  19. Sounds like a deal to me. Hugs

  20. Love it! But bring on the sand to go with the bare feet please. Lovely Sue, as always.
