Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Gathering of Women, Part Deux

Friday night at the women's conference, and all was well...

thanks to Bruce Almighty, the most amazing chef of all time!
(His big-as-Texas-sized family helped him out...)

And so did his cohort, the bishop!!

Brother Bruce created hors d'oeuvres to die for.
Et voila!

And Le Bishop had a very interesting way of serving them.
(We liked it.) ;)

Do we look like happy eaters?

Giddyup on over and take a little look-see, as we say here in Texas...

Um...this would be lobster bisque soup (with chunks o' lobster).

Just tellin' it like it is: We were happy to be in the room.
(Can you say filet...with peach reduction sauce?)

This charming couple spoke to us about our marriages,
using the Kirtland temple-inspired "prepare a house of order"
scripture and likening it to our homes. Excellent!

After dinner, everyone was beaming! (cheesecake for dessert)

And speaking of chefs...On Saturday morning

this lovely group outdid themselves.

What a GREAT family...and even better cooks!
(The tortillas were homemade.)

These angels worked and slaved in a hot kitchen for hours...

so all of us could enjoy this...

and THIS!

Can you believe how cheerful she still looks?
(Think 90 degrees with 100% humidity.)

Before the service project, this lovely young woman

from Stand Up for Kids came to speak to us.
(Boy, was I impressed with her.)

Then we assembled hygiene kits for homeless and at-risk kids.

Afterwards, we were all feeling pretty grateful

so we made some really cool gratitude journals...

a panacea for the craft-challenged, because I rocked mine!

(Though probably not as hard as these lovely women did.)

But, fortunately, it wasn't a contest...

and we were all happy with our end products.

Now it was time for a fiesta to end all fiestas!

(And well worth the wait, I might add...)

The sister missionaries got to go first.

Aren't they a cute pair?

(And you can bet I was close behind them...)

Mmm-mm, good. Kinda like Campbell's soup...

but a whole lot better!

Does this face say "gracias," or what?

Then I talked a little...

laughed a little...

took a little "glamour" shot with the cousins...(heehee)

and headed back to home base
(aka the best not-so-little bed-and-breakfast in Texas).

Sunday, I even got to say a few words in Relief Society!

I was more than a bit sad when we exited this gate for the last time,

drove past the oh-so-loverly lake,

and took off for the big city.

After shaking hands with Dallas once more,

I hopped a plane and flew home.
(But my head and heart were already up in the clouds.)

Thanks to all the wonderful women who made me feel so welcome!
My heart was filled and lifted by each one of you.

"That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God..." Colossians 2:2.


  1. I would have gone just for the food. What an amazing trip!

  2. WOW that was great, Thanks for sharing. I'm betting you are FAMOUS in Texas now. (I'll expect to see you speaking at women's conference soon!!!)

  3. It sounds like a great time. The food alone is making me wonder if a wig and a some pearls might fool anyone if I try to attend the next one...

  4. You constantly amaze me how you say just the right thing to emphasize the experience along with photos. Thank you again for sacrificing your time to come and share your sweet spirit with us Texans! (glad the kidney stone didn't roll while you were here)

  5. That is the most fancy schmancy women's conference I've ever seen!!
    I think I would have wanted to stay there if I went!

  6. The food- home made tortillas, to die for! That's what I miss most about Texas- I don't miss the heat and humidity though. It looks like it was a fantastic trip

  7. This looks AMAZING! Wow.

    Now I'm hungry!

  8. This looks like so much fun. I want to know how to make those journals.

  9. Sounds like a great weekend. We all need to attend one of those once in a while.

  10. What does a girl have to do to get food like that at our own little meetings at home? Wow - that made me very envious! What a great meeting - and that's saying a lot coming from me because I don't like meetings. This one I would have gladly gone to, however. (Maybe I'd like them better if as much thought went into them as went into yours! - but that's kind of like wishing yourself on the next committee isn't it?...) Hope you're feeling fine, still? Pesky stone ain't makin' noise, is it?

  11. Sounds wonderful! Wish I could have been there, little slice of heaven for a while :)

    Thank you for sharing all the wonderful photos!


    What was this exactly? Just a ward? A Stake? I'd love to do something like that here.
    Maybe invite a good bloggy friend I know . . .

  13. Next time you go can I tag along? Your talk was amazing, and the food... wow! I really want to go to one of those.

  14. How absolutely special, Sue! I bet there were well-feed stomachs and souls.

  15. Texas does know how to do a conference, including having the good sense to invite you. Thanks for sharing it all with me.

  16. Again, I just wish I could have been there for the whole thing. You must have had a very long busy day at the church on Saturday. I didn't know you were going to do all the service work too, plus craft work with making journals. That must have been a lot of fun. It looks like you met a lot of interesting people and from what Nancy has told me, you really made a big impression on those sisters. They were grateful that you were able to come. I'll bet you were really tired though when you got back to Nancy's. Altogether, it sounds like a pretty hectic but fun weekend.

  17. One more comment from me (the Texas cousin)... for those who inquired, the Women's Confernce was a Ward function. I have been trying for years to get Sue to come here and share her talent and only wish we could have shared it with other wards in the Stake.

  18. It sounds like a great time. The food alone is making me wonder if a wig and a some pearls might fool anyone if I try to attend the next one...
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