Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some Decompression from My Grand Obsession

I and my compelling need to be heard will be taking a break from blogging for a few days while I drive south to spend some time with my grandkids. Part of me needs the rest and part of me wants to prove to myself that what I am currently considering a hobby is just that...a hobby. (As opposed to a compulsive behavior, that is.)

In fact, I'll be leaving my laptop behind entirely, which means I won't have to drag any extra paraphernalia with me. Unfortunately, it also means I won't be visiting my favorite blogs or commenting, but never fear. I shall return to enjoy them (and all of you) on Monday. Hey, I am even going to shun Facebook and e-mail as I use this opportunity to assess whether too much of my time and attention is caught up in computer-related activity. Honestly, it will be interesting to see whether I go through withdrawals!

I'll be journaling this experience, as well as the fun and frenzy (I'm sure there'll be plenty of both) with my grandchildren. Of course, I'll post a few excerpts upon my return. The thing is, I've been active online since early 1990, so I am genuinely interested in exploring how it feels to deprive myself of that particular pleasure (and it is indeed one of my greatest pleasures) for a few days.

In the meantime, take care and have a good one! I know I will. Hey, look at the people I get to see!!

the mini-gang

the full gang

And I get to spend some time with these two, as well...

(Not Dave and me...the other guys...the good-lookin' ones!)



  1. Every once in awhile I take a break for a week or so and I'm amazed at how good it actually feels. But then I get the old itch to get on again. We will miss your posts but I love that you will be getting to spend some time with those darling grandkids! Have a GREAT time and enjoy...we'll still be here when you get back. :)

  2. Good for you--wise woman. When I take a break sometime, I am surprised to realize how much time I was spending. Have fun!

  3. When Chris and I went to Orlando a few weeks ago, I left my computer at home. it was seriously the best! I didn't miss it at all. It was a nice break, i bet you will find a similar relief. HAve fun with the fam!

  4. Have a wonderful time - with those cuties waiting for you, how could you not have the best time ever?? It'll be my turn soon to do the same thing.

  5. Have fun seeing your cute little ones, we'll be patiently waiting for your report on computerless-ness, etc.

  6. Have could you not? Enjoy your time away, we will pine for your thoughts.

  7. Sue, have a great trip and wonderful time with your grandkids! Unplugging is always a good thing to do from time to time. We will be here when you return! :)

  8. Can't wait until we see you. Even if our trip to Temeculah will be a short one. It will still be better than not seeing you at all.
    Hope your journey down this way will be a good one and that it won't tire you out too much. See you soon!

  9. Sue, How fun to hear from you by way of FM? Who is that? I have been blogging for 2 years but have not been spending as much time at it lately. It does eat up precious time I agree. Let's keep in touch and come visit if you ever have occasion to visit SLC.

  10. Interested to hear how that went for you!!!!
    Your gang is beautiful...
    each and everyone of them...
    Your time together must have been wonderful.
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...
