Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Die Is Cast: Giveaway Winners at Last!

Hear ye, hear ye! The winner of three Jane Austen special edition classics is Kiurious, and Lisa from The Davis Dialogues has won the tote from Ronna.

Congratulations to both of you! (Here's the kicker...These two are a mother-daughter team with the luck of the Irish...and maybe a few other nationalities as well!!)

Thanks to everyone else who participated, and may fortune smile upon YOU when giveaway time rolls around again...



  1. Darn! I was hoping I was going to win, but I guess it wouldn't be fair since I won your last giveaway ;-) Congrats again on your 500th post!

  2. Congratulations Lisa, I'll send out your new tote tomorrow!

  3. Wow! Thank you so much, I can't wait to start reading! And congratulations on 500 posts!

  4. Yeah for the winners!!!
    We're all winners just following this blog!

  5. Lucky ladies so happy for them I know they are excited.
    Lisa did a story for me not long ago and she is a sweetheart.

  6. Also wanted to say I am so glad you found my site and left a message so I could find you. Love your site.
    Not sure why my other two comments show Maggie it usually shows
    I am your latest follower and looking forward to it.

  7. Well shoot! I guess I'll have to buy the books and/or tote on my own! Congratulations on your 500th post, and better luck to me next time!

  8. YEA, I am so lucky with you, Sue!!! or maybe YOU are my lucky charm. and so happy Kieri won the books because I won them I promised her I would give them to her... now I don't AND I get a goodie from Ronna, thank you thank you thank you!!! You still are my muse and inspiration!

  9. Even though I didn't win those fabulous Jane Austen books, I'm still glad you blog so very prolifically
