Friday, April 30, 2010

Being on Stage Is All the Rage!

Got home very late last night after four hours of dress rehearsal for the BIG show. That's right. The young adult ward members that call my husband "Bishop" (and other things) will be performing tonight in a huge talent show, and I can't wait! I have a feeling this is going to be fun, fun, fun! And funny, too! Not that every act is amusing, mind you (we've got lots of serious skillz in our ward), but humor will definitely be a factor in the evening's entertainment. Especially when it comes to the big finale, performed by the bishopric and ward council and "directed" (if you can call it that) by little old me.

Tomorrow, you can bet my humble blog will be bustin' out some candid photos of the talent! And of the not-so-talented, too...the Bishop and his cohorts, for example. (Actually, that isn't an entirely fair assessment of the guys; looking like buffoons is a talent, too, right?) Hey, Will Ferrell's got nothing on our boys when it comes to making a fool of oneself. In fact, I think you will agree, after viewing the soon-to-be-posted evidence, that they are distinctly Ferrell-esque in their presentation.

Be that as it may, I'm looking forward to a super-duper time, some really yummy kettle corn, and a nice mix of inspiration and mortification.

Who doesn't love a good talent show?

(7:30 pm, folks. Step right up...)



  1. I love watching them, but not being in them.
    Total coward, right here.
    Have fun, can't wait to hear about it!

  2. ySA talent shows. I can only imagine the fun you are about to have! So exciting. Can't wait until tomorrow to see all the fun.

  3. I will be waiting to hear about it. Do you think you will have a video clip? YSAs can be so entertaining!!

  4. I bet that will be AWESOME!! I wish my girl's ward was doing fun stuff like that!

  5. Single's wards need leadership with energy and passion like you two. Wish I could be there. What's the Bishop doing?

  6. Can't wait for pics!! I'm with Jen, wish I could be there. Sounds like a blast.

  7. Video - we want video!

    Sounds like a blast. I love talent shows.

  8. I'm gonna work on the video thing...

    I did get a new gadget for Christmas but don't know how to use it yet. And I'm not sure I have the right cord to hook it up to my computer.

    Yep, I am a camera/video/computer afficionado.


  9. I can't wait to hear all about it! I bet it will be and so much fun!!! I'll stay tuned for the pictures! :) Have fun!

  10. Sounds like fun - YSAs have a great sense of humor and fun! Usually a little irreverent, but I like that. Looking forward to the pics and/or video!

  11. Sounds like this is going to be a wonderful time!

    I love this line you wrote: nice mix of inspiration and mortification.

    It really summed up the whole she-bang!

    Enjoy that kettle corn. Eat a handful for me!

  12. I wish I could be there. I'm sure it will be great fun. I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy a show like that when the Bishop et al make fools of themselves. Different ward I've been in have done similar things and they have gone over in a big way. I'm looking forward to the pics.

  13. Sounds fun. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  14. The end of the semester talent shows were some of my favorite events. Thank goodness I didn't have to participate - I got to just sit back and enjoy.

