Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wading in Wildflowers

How would you like to take a little trip with me?

Or, actually, with my two youngest grandchildren.

Destination? Wildflower heaven...

AKA, a lovely field near their home.

There may be a child more inherently lovable
than this one,

But if so, I've yet to meet him.

His sister's pretty swell, too. Wildflowers, anyone?

She's got more than enough to spare...

And then some!

(poor jeremiah...he was at school)

Photos by Heather at TendershootZ


  1. Wow!!! Those pics are beautiful! I hope you'll frame some of them! Beautiful! I said that already, hunh? Well. they are.

  2. Those same wildflowers grow in people's yards here in AZ in the spring. We are blessed a few times a year with beautiful flowers. Love the shots of the kids.

  3. Your grandchildren are such cuties. How fun that they live close least I assume they do since you have not mentioned going on a trip lately.

  4. That reminded me of my childhood in Texas- they have some of the prettiest wildflowers just growing on the sides of the roads and fields of them all over the place. Lovely grand kids too!

  5. Those pictures are stunning!!!!! Scenery and grandkids!
    Thanks for coming to my blog, today. I'll look forward to following yours.

  6. I was noticing today, as I was making my way to work, that the wildflowers are in bloom. The hills along the Santa Ana Canyon have great groups of purple, orange and yellow wildflowers. I wished I had a picture, and here Heather already did it!

  7. Wonderful pictures. I am going to have Dick unload some of these! I love them!!! Heather is a great photographer. One day I am going to have to get her to take a picture or two of the two of us. I wonder if she can make us look lovely? We haven't even been to see the wild flowers and they are not very far from us. We've had a few find their way into our garden though and I am not about to take them out. I love love love these pics. Of course her subjects are pretty loveable themselves.

  8. That is heaven. It does my soul good to see such bright colors, and such beauty.

  9. What a perfect day!
    Beautiful children, gorgeous scenery, what could be better?

    I can't think of anything.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous. And what makes the pictures even more beautiful are those adorable children. I'm on the East Coast so we don't have flowers like that..:( This makes me want to take a trip out West soon.
