Monday, February 15, 2010

Nothing Like a Spot of Tea with Daddy

One morning my mother went out, leaving my dad completely in charge of me. I was only two years old at the time, but I was a good pretender. An aunt who knew a lot about what little girls like had given me a grown-up-looking tea set as a gift, and it had quickly become one of my favorite toys.

My daddy was in the living room reading the evening news when I brought him a tiny cup of tea, which I would never have admitted was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for how yummy it was, my dad turned to greet my mother as she came home. Delighted with his daughter's antics, my doting dad insisted that Mom wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was "just the cutest thing!"

Always happy to share, Mom waited; and sure enough, here I came down the hall with a cup of tea for my daddy. She watched him drink it up and smack his lips before saying helpfully, "Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?"


(This is not my story, but one that a friend e-mailed to me. Pretty cute!)


  1. That's one of the best stories I've ever heard! Priceless!

  2. That just makes the story, because dads really don't think of things like where could said child's water source be? they just roll with it-no one is crying or bleeding, so he must be doing a great job, right?

  3. Ha! My friend caught her son scrubbing the toilet with her toothbrush the other day. She's pretty sure he'd been doing it all along and didn't know!

  4. It was really funny before I got to the end, because that story didn't sound familiar at all.
    all the time I was reading it I was thinking "Darn, that's another story I don't remember." This getting old is the pits. So you can imagine how I felt when I got to the end---it really cracked me up!

  5. I had read this story before but it was fun to read again. I'm sure this has happened many times, unbeknown to the parents!

  6. SUCH a cute story. My mom emailed this to me and I couldn't stop laughing! It's something that only mothers would think about!

  7. LOL, That's hilarious! I've heard that story and it made me laugh just as much reading it here on your blog! Hey, I curled up on my bed last night to read some more of your book :) I'm really enjoying it, so thanks again!
