Monday, February 8, 2010

Night Falls in Beauty

A tree is painted on the saffron sky

The peaceful close of day is drawing nigh

Cloud islands light once more in colors bold

Then fade away in cinnabar and gold

To umber shadows as the night takes hold

All photos by Heather Anderson


  1. The Heavens.
    The sight of which takes my breath away. Reminds me I am not so earth-bound as I think.
    What a world has been created for us.
    Beautiful Sue. better than my imaginary trip to Hawaii. Definitely.

  2. your poem, and the pictures remind me of one of my favorite primary songs. I think it's called 'Heavenly Father loves me'. I'm no good at remembering the titles, just the words. It's amazing that people don't see the earth as the work of God that it is.

  3. I just love purples and oranges in sunsets. Beautiful!

  4. I feel like I'm so busy, especially at sunset with dinner and kids going 19 directions, that I never stop to watch it.
    I vow to do it, tonight!

  5. The music with those photos was perfect! It is so important to just stop and relax and enjoy the beauty around us.

  6. Well Sue - you talk about talent! You and your poetry are sheer inspiration! And now I'm in awe of YOUR talent! (And Heather's - her photos are lovely as always.)

  7. Well, that's it....the most beautiful sunset imaginable along with the beautiful "Meditation from Thais", performed beautifully by Joshua Bell. Do you notice how beautiful has been mentioned three times? I did it on purpose because I absolutely adore inspiring sunsets and of course I adore the music, being one piece that I performed a zillion times in my musical career. To say nothing of Joshua Bell, whom I consider to be the best violinist in the world. Incidentally we are going to the McCallum later this month to hear him in concert. I am totally looking forward to it and I am hoping he will play "Meditation," as I would love to see him play it in person.

    Altogether this is one of my most favorite posts of all time!! Along with the wonderful artistry of my favorite photographer, Heather Anderson, the inspiring poetry of my favorite poetess, the whole thing is just perfect. In fact, I am going to go back right now and just do the whole thing over again and just meditate.

  8. I love when you add words to my photos... it adds so much!

  9. You are so relaxing for my soul. I wish you did speaking engagements = )


  10. P.S. I have an award for you.

  11. Beautiful sunset and poem! Great job Sue and Heather :)I wish you'd write poetry to my photos...

  12. What beautiful pictures. They took my breath away.
