Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Grandpa's A Really Good Guy, Oh My!

(The proof is in the picture. Click it.)

Grandpa's a really good guy.
He knows how to make a kid fly.
He fills up his jeanses
with bright jelly beanses
and blasts our blood sugar sky-high.

~the end~
but not the end


  1. Great. This is one of my favorites. Gotta love a good limerick.
    Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Now THAT is a great picture of a grandpa. I can just see this on someone's wall 100 years from now. No doubt he's a fun grandpa!

  3. Love it! Wish I'd had a grandpa like that. ;)

  4. Jelly bellys are the best, and what a good grandpa to part with them, all for the sake of grandfathering. Those are some lucky kids, and he is a lucky man to have a wife who will limerick about him!

  5. Your husband is adorable! Well, and so are the grandkids. Your poem is so cute - you could have it nicely printed and framed!

  6. Cute photo - handsome grandpa - eveyone needs a little sugar jolt to get the ol' blood sugar movin'


  7. What a great picture and Limerick.

    Hugs to you!

  8. I loved it too. It really is a great picture of Grandpa and the kids. They all look like they are having a wonderful time.
