Friday, February 5, 2010

Being Humble and Proud Is Possible

photo by Marie Lliott

Friday is a good day for sharing, and I ran into a couple of pieces this week that affected me deeply. I'm convinced they will mean a lot to you as well, and I really hope you will give yourself the gift of reading them. Some things simply should not be missed, and both of these qualify.

Hop over and read Meridian Magazine's A Day in the Life of an LDS Team in Haiti. It will do the seemingly impossible: make you humble and proud at the same time.

Then check out this beautiful and poignant post, expressing how one mother (Fiauna of For My Four) feels about the "r" word and the insensitivity shown by those who use it. She will make you humble and proud, too.

You know what? I like feeling humble and proud. It reminds me of who we are. God's children. And I never fail to be moved when others show it. Sometimes, I am even encouraged to show it myself.

Like today. Today, in some way large or small, I am going to live up to my inheritance.

(This cloudy Friday just got a little brighter!)



  1. Sue, it really did just get a little brighter in my snowy part of town today. I read both of those and it is humbling and I feel a little proud as well.

    Happy Friday!


  2. Did you realize that Dale and Vicky Clark's son, Colin went over with that group to Haiti? Small world. He is calling home with amazing stories.

  3. Thanks, Sue. I read both the links and they were worth my time, for sure. I'm going to Dr. P's fireside Sunday where he's going to talk about his experiences in Haiti. Can't wait.

  4. Glad to see that there are people still in the world that make you want to be better;proudly-humble even. Thanks for ever posting worthwhile reads

  5. I didn't think I'd get teary reading about Haiti, but I did. How wonderful to be part of all of that! And I loved Fiauna's post as well. I know how it feels to have someone laugh at, or make a joke about someone who acts "odd." It's hard to let it go, even though I know they meant no harm. We tend to laugh at what scares us, or that we don't understand.

  6. The crisis in Haiti is overwhelming. It's nice to see a group doing so much good.

    Bottom line is this: At the end of the day you'll wish you'd done something good, whether that means helping a nation or simply treating one of God's children with kindness. The world is a brighter place when we think of others and act appropriately.

  7. oooh, looks like good reading...I'm off...
    Have a great weekend. :)

  8. Thanks for the heads up.

    Its nice to know there is such good in this world.

  9. It is remarkable what our Mormon groups are doing in Haiti. I just can't imagine what the future holds for those unfortunate people. My heart goes out not only to the Haitian people but to all those who go there to help, knowing how much horror they are experiencing. I don't understand why it is so difficult for our people to adopt orphans in Haiti. A couple in our ward finally got one of their adoptions through. They had to split up a brother and a sister because there was just too much red tape. This was before the earthquake. Their little adopted boy is four now and he has worried about his family there. He hasn't heard whether his sister survived.

    As for Fiaun's post, I can completely relate because I can see how people react to my 18 year old granddaughter who is autistic. I too, hope that she can send this to those who could use this as an example that some people have to go through and how it makes us shudder to hear the "r" word.
