Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Perfect Day at Half Moon Bay

Come away with me to the shimmering sea,

where heart and mind and soul are free

to float on the breezes and soar through the clouds,

away from the clamor of maddening crowds.

Come, peek through the spaces and shadows of days

and let your feet wander in different ways...

in different ways yet not indifferent at all...

just calm and serene about big things and small.

Keep someone beside you when nature looms large,

reminding you that you are safe in his charge...

someone who will rest you and keep you earthbound,

with companions to hold you and bring you to ground,

still granting the freedom that each spirit seeks

to carve a bright path over valleys and peaks.

At the top of the crest, on the top of the world,

where the wonders of nature are waiting, unfurled––

Be still and breathe deeply; let every care cease.

Here, dreams swirl like stardust and find sweet release.

Come hither with me, to the shimmering sea.

Your heart and your mind and your soul will run free.

You'll ride on the breezes and sail into clouds

and find your own center, alone or in crowds.

Just us folks.

(All photos courtesy of Heather Anderson)


  1. Oh I wish I could go! Half Moon Bay...isn't that in northern Cali...near to where 'The Birds' was filmed?

  2. Oh, I needed that. Visions of sun and sea and friends just lifted me out of this smog and snowy January and set me smack dab in the middle of March! A refreshing taste of Spring during the dreary cold months. Absolutely perfect!

  3. Beautiful poetry, beautiful family, beautiful pictures. I am so homesick.. even for the mist/rain/fog ... you even went to the enchanted forest (THE best place to take pictures!!!)

  4. WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i'm homesick:-( missing my town! fun that you were there tho;-)

  5. that was like a mini-vacation...loved the pics and poetry.
    You have a good life my friend.

  6. I knew this one would get to Emily, but I'd forgotten Lisa's Northern California roots might pull a bit, too.

    Come on home for a visit, y'all!


    PS. Not sure about where The Birds was filmed, but you've got the right beach as far as location goes, Cheryl!

    PPS. Glad you got a little whiff of sea breeze, Amy,

  7. Thanks, Momza. Glad you enjoyed the trip!

    (And you are the right person to recognize a good life when you see it, Mrs. Colorado Doula, wife of Mr. Wonderful, mother of many, and now grandmother!!)

  8. I really enjoyed this post! Beautiful pictures and a great poem to go with. What could be better?

  9. I want to be there sooo bad.Beautiful pictures.

  10. I have been through there several times. Always lovely.

  11. I'm looking at the post, while looking past the screen to the snow that continues to fall...again...stacking on top of the miles of snow already there. Can you believe that with a slow start, now we can't get a break!?!? Perhaps another flannel weekend. I DO like those!!

  12. Wow, your words are always so perfect to capture the feel of the moment!

  13. Thanks Sue! Hope your weekend is really great!

  14. Great pictures and thoughts for today.

  15. It's been awhile since I have been able to "visit" and reading these lovely poems, seeing the young man sing in Newark, it just has uplifted me more while i am healing, and freezing in not-so-currently-sunny FL! =) Is this a poem you wrote? BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing! Truly inspiring!
    xoxo Kymmie
