Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Into the Wild...

It's a windy, rainy day in Northern California, and instead of cuddling up by the fire with a good book, I've made plans that will take me right out there in the middle of all this cold and blustery weather. Yep, I have a date with a termite inspector, a rendezvous with a realtor, an engagement with a friend, an appointment with a doctor, and a meeting with a collaborator. All I need now is an assignation with a secret admirer! (Thankfully, I don't have any, because I couldn't possibly fit one into my busy schedule...)

To tell the truth, I'm not exactly excited to take to the freeways on a day like this. Does the word hydroplaning mean anything to you? Not one of my favorite pastimes, I must admit, and with sheets of water underfoot (undertire?), definitely not out of the realm of possibility.

Oh dear, I've done it again. What I mean to say is...Ain't never gonna happen, Mom. I've got it covered. No hydroplaning here. Just skilled, cautious, event-free driving, okay? Okay.


The thing is––I love wet, wild, and wintry days like these. They give me something I can use in my old age: a natural high. Or at least, a buzz. (Can you tell I'm a teen of the 60's?)

Natural high or buzz, I'll take it. And do you think I could get a temporary reprieve from menopause, too? Because I've got one heck of a lot to get done today, and a little more estrogen would come in mighty handy.



  1. No estrogen, but I bet you could find a Sonic on your adventures. Flavor your Diet Coke, and off you go! We'll enjoy your storm tomorrow! Too bad I don't have a good book to recommend so you could curl up like I did yesterday. Thanks for such an interesting book. I felt like it dragged a little in the middle (not so much dragged as had a bad case of too much information when I could already see the end), but it was enjoyable.
    I'll have to refer back to that entry to find another good read.
    Thanks for being my blogging friend. And safety today!

  2. We're on hold down here waiting for the next storm. I heard this morning that it was hovering around San Jose. I thought of you. Wasn't it crazy yesterday? I haven't seen it rain that hard since, well, Puerto Rico. But it never rains like that here. Be safe - you sure have a lot going today!

  3. I love rainy SUMMER days, but winter . . . Well, I guess it's better than the wet, slushy, icy snow we got this morning.

  4. ooh, California rain is so fun to play in! Good luck getting all the things on your list done... you sound mighty busy today! And while you are in the parking lot, take some time to do a little dancing and singing in the rain, because honestly, that is what it is made for. Not for the plants, or to give us water, but so we can go out and sing and dance in it!

  5. Our weather is very windy, rainy, cozy too. I use to love rainy dark days, but not so much anymore. I never thought I would become a sun lover but I am. All your appts out and about and are good thing for days such as this.

  6. We got a crazy snowstorm here this afternoon! It started out sunny, then near whiteout conditions, and one hour later, blue skies and sunshine!

    NO estrogen for you, but chocolate might help!

  7. Those crummy days are a nice excuse for a break sometimes...and they make us appreciate the good days even more. :)

  8. Sounds like me - I love a good storm, rain or snow. They're not my favorite to drive in, but it does make an adventure out of a trip to the grocery store :)


    I think it's heading our way . . .

  9. i can't believe the weather you guys have been having!!! it was 40 degrees yesterday and today with blue skies, and i'm loving it!!!

  10. Glad you didn't do any real hydroplaning yesterday. Thanks for the reassurance. I don't envy you having to get out in it. We are having nothing but rain and it is threatening to be even worse tonight. It hasn't been pouring down rain, just a steady stream. I hate it!!!! You know me, I love the sun! I tend to get depresed when it rains, and all my joints and bones are telling me that they are not happy either. It isn't as bad as Nancy has had it in Huntington Beach though. They have had a tornando that has done considerable damage in that town, (roofs blown off, trees down etc.) It even made Fox News! I can only hope for better weather soon.
