Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finding and Doing Things That Matter

New Year's is always a good time for me, not only because I love possibilities but because I seem to see the world more clearly. One of my favorite things to do in January is look beyond my usual horizon and get a bigger picture of where my life is taking me and whether I really want to go there.

Looking back over my shoulder for a moment, I realize that 2009 has been a relatively lazy year...not that I haven't done a lot of things, but that I haven't consciously done things that will make me grow or bring me the results I want. I've been coasting, mostly, and while I'm not against coasting per se, I sense that 2010 is going to be different. My energy for goal-setting and -keeping has revitalized, and I intend to jump on that change horse with some gusto and ride it as hard (and with as much enjoyment) as I can.

Without making a list of "resolutions," a word which sounds a little too dutiful for the enthusiasm I feel, I will say that my intentions are focused mostly on health and spirituality, but I'm also looking at finding a new challenge for myself. After a year of pretty much hit-or-miss haphazardness, I'm ready to create something for me, whether that takes the form of a new book, a new friendship, a new hobby, or all three of these and more. It may sound selfish, but I've noticed that when I take the time to create something with the object of pleasing myself in mind, the something I've created is more predictably worth sharing with others. It seems I'm a better giver when my own needs are satisfied.

And that's what I haven't done this year. I haven't been proactive in satisfying my particular needs, especially my creative ones. I've been doing too many things by assignment and not enough by inclination. In fact, I've been drifting through the days like a feather on the breeze, blown this way and that by other people's currents and not my own. Not that I'm judging that. Well, not exactly, anyway. We all need a rest once in a while. But when rest turns to lethargy, it's time to pick up the reins and set out in a direction that matters. Which is exactly what I see when I look beyond the horizon at 2010. Things that matter.

So, there you have it. My goal is finding and doing things that matter.
And then sharing them.

Off I go! Care to join me?



  1. I can't wait to see the fruits of your creative change.

    I on the other hand want to slow down and be the feather on the wind this year. I've been on that wild horse for a long time and want to get off.

  2. I can see the benefit of last year, when I hooked up with some other girls and made stuff happen. How if you can hook up with the right ones, they help you pull your wagon, instead of just throw their rocks in yours to pull for them. AWESOME friends...

  3. I'm with you. I think that's what I was trying to say, and you said it perfectly. I've let my creativity wane for too long, and I'm feeling the itch to get it back, and do some sharing with it. The little I did last year was sooo satisfying. New friendships? Yes, please. Your house or mine?

  4. Last year I gave so much of myself that I am with you on doing something that matters. This time I want it to matter for me and my kids. I have always put myself on the back burner and this year, I want to be a little selfish. It sounds so wrong but I see that my time really in limited with my oldest son and I want my kids to be very close to each other before my son gets a life of his own.

    I wish you well on your journey and I will be looking forward to reading about your journey.


  5. What wonderful goals you have! And who knows, maybe you just needed a little time to coast before jumping on the band wagon again. Good luck with everything this year. I can't wait to hear about what have created.

  6. so true about being a better giver when my own needs are satisfied. when i'm happy with self, i can give more fully to others.

  7. I'm with you. I've got a post about my own "resolutions" coming on Monday, if I have time.

  8. I hear you. Problem is though, so many of these things come in the form of obligations we believe church callings, visiting teaching, taking care of others around us..that it is sometimes hard to find the time for our inclinations. I keep thinking of this very thing.

    And concerning creativity...after hearing Pres Utchdorf's talk on that a while back I see being creative as necessary...not just a fluffy thing to amuse ourselves with. I use to sort of think that by being creative I was wasting my I think of it very differently. It helps our souls to grow.

    I hope you take us all on our journeys this year via your blog!

  9. laziness is something I struggle with too. I feel I deserve way more rests than I actually do. After reading about your 2010 plans, I know I can do more this year too!

  10. I'm with you! No more years of feeling bad for not keeping resolutions. I just want to feel better about so many different things. I think that is generally the way people are feeling about this year. The time is going by so quickly...there isn't time to enjoy and I want to enjoy more.

  11. It is funny, I had a conversation with Matt on New Years that held the same tone as this post... I too want to create more this year and my hope is that as a create(which is always good for me) I will somehow touch someone else life.

  12. Another book, you say? I hope you will get all your Christmas stories together so that they can be published. Seems to me you shoould have enough now.

    I know that I am going to have to wait a few more years for the one you and Todd are going to write together. That should be a great one, and helpful to a lot of people too.

    As for me, I'll be doing well to just hang in.
