Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Caution: Holiday Eating

Every year I make the decision to eat "whatever I want" for the holidays, and every year I live to regret it. Judging from an amalgam of my silhouette in the mirror and the way my clothes fit (I haven't found the intestinal fortitude to actually weigh myself yet), it's highly likely that I have gained 7 to 10 pounds this lovely December, and while the food was yummy as can be, I'm not sure the legacy of excess poundage is worth it. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's not. The old adage, "A moment on the lips, forever on the hips" always rings true for me. In January, that is.

I wish I were better at exercising moderation and eating "some of whatever I want," but I seem to be pretty much an all or nothing at all person vis a vis food. I can either be a teetotaler when it comes to sugar and starch, or I can lose control completely and devour every dessert/plate of mashed potatoes in sight. (Too much deprivation over the years, I guess.) Honestly, if I had it to do all over again, I would never diet at all. The sad truth is that I looked pretty thin before I started trying to look pretty thin.

Ah well, January's coming, and so is the return of my healthy eating habits. (That's one good thing about overeating for a spell. By the time you're through, you actually look forward to consuming apples, veggies, and non-fat yogurt again.)

But I'm still gonna miss that mid-meal goody-grazing!


  1. I'm with you, sister! I think most of it is because we've become "women of a certain age" and carbs have decided they are NOT our friends. Lots of protein, that's what we need. Once my body purges all of the excess sugar I'm able to keep it at bay (as long as I keep the treats out of sight, if not out of the house). Life is harsh, sometimes, isn't it?

  2. I love that you said "The sad truth is that I looked pretty thin before I started trying to look pretty thin." Wow, so true for me as well! Funny how the little ironies pop up in life. Good luck with your end of holidays goals!

  3. I can already feel the withdrawl as I know I'm needing to pull away from the table and counters full of fun treats.

  4. One thing about all the Holiday treats, like you say, it really makes one appreciate the veggies and yogurt once Christmas is over!

  5. Hey Sue, I'm an all or nothing gal too. I keep saying the older I get, the wiser I will be about making poor decisions during the Holiday season. I FAIL every year and just force myself to work out harder. it has somewhat been my routine for 20+ years. It works, but it's hard work too. I have now figured it's part of my holiday regiment to never turn down good treats and meals from others during the sharing season.

    Goo luck in the January work outs and know that you have a sister in Minnesnowda doing extra time with the exercise right along with you.


  6. I am so "all or nothing." I went four months last year with no sugar. Really. Then, got pregnant, then . . . the holidays, and now a wedding's coming faster than a comet. This might just motivate me. Jump on the "Heidi's getting married" wagon. It could work! :)

  7. sigh...i'm dreading my 34 week weigh in on monday. i think i'm finally giving up only gaining 35 pounds.

  8. Well, it is like this: When Dick and I were on Weight Watchers and we both looked fabulous, we went all the way through all the holiday parties and kept strictly on our "healthy eating plan" After it was all over, we felt so deprived and disappointed that we vowed that we would never do that again. We always gain a few pounds during December, but then we always lose it in January. This January we are going to continue on into February or as long as it takes to lose at least ten pounds for me, and considerably more than that for Dick. His doctor says he should lose 50 pounds, so we'll see how long that takes!! Atany rate, I am not the least bit sorry that I indulged, but it is frustrating that somewhere along the 50's and 60's we all tend to put on the pounds because our bodies just don't need as much food, but we refuse to recognize that. Wait until you get into your 80's like I am and you will find out how precious little your body really needs. Each year it needs a bit less.....darn!! Wouldn't it be fun if we could be one of those lucky people who are always trying to put on a few pounds?

  9. Oh, I think it was the over 40's that did me in. Seems like I'm not really doing anything different, but there's a tire around my middle that didn't use to be there. And the only time I really followed a diet to the T, I actually gained weight! Hating chocolate would probably help, but it's not going to happen!

  10. I'm the same way. I can avoid it all, or devour it all. For me there is no in between.
