Tuesday, September 29, 2009

There's No Place Like (a new) Home

I've been down south this weekend checking out the house
(grass isn't as dead as it looks...)

that these guys may soon be calling home.

They'd be very happy to upsize a bit,

(eating area on other side of door to the right)

and we'd be very happy to go visit them!

Pretty cute place, huh?

Especially from the top of the stairs.

Time to say good-bye...

Be sure to close the door on your way out!


  1. Love that entry and the kitchen looks great. Best of luck to them--hope they get to move.

    And, quite frankly, after this weekend, I hadn't even realized that we'd moved into the thirties range! I don't know if I'm quite ready!

  2. do you get to help with the move?? or help with the kids during the move..
    Looks very nice.

  3. Looks like a really nice house! Great for a growing family. And wasn't the weather nice for your visit!! I'm still waiting for you to come have lunch or dinner with me... or breakfast!

  4. Beautiful house! One of my favorite things is to look at houses! Good luck to them and I hope you get to visit lots!

  5. holy smokes! that house is an absolute dream!!!!
