Friday, September 4, 2009

Seek and Ye Shall Find

Hey! Have any of you noticed the cool new Search feature that Blogger now offers? (Or maybe they've been offering it all along, and I was just too lame to notice it.) At any rate, I enabled it the other day, and it's pretty cool.

Can you see that little Search box up there, perched atop the right side bar? All you have to do is enter a topic, and it pulls up every post related to that topic...and not just by the labels or titles either; it actually checks the content. For example, if you enter "tree," all the posts having anything at all to do with trees come up. If you enter "Christmas," all those posts appear, etc. (I know. You are thinking...Duh, Sue...but seriously, usually these Search features don't work all that well, and this one seems pretty efficient.) Anyway, I think it's a great addition. Instead of cruising through pages and pages trying to find a certain post, I can now locate it easily with my handy dandy Search widget!

I also wanted to say merci mille fois to all of Wednesday's commenters for giving waaaay more than casual responses to my blog makeover query. The truth is, I've been wanting to do some tinkering for quite a while but needed a push to get myself over the hump of clinging to what's familiar. (I tend to get attached to things, even when they don't deserve it!)

So, with your encouragement, I've decided to go ahead and have a minor facelift...nothing too extravagant, just a bit of added color and flair. (And for those of you who don't like slow-loading blogs and changing archives, don't worry!) Everything will be exactly the same except for the header and colors. All we're doing is enhancing the template I'm already using. The same lady who did my blog button is going to do the "remodel" for me, which is good because I love her work. (Thanks, Diana.)

It will take about a week, so get ready for the big reveal. Also, my 300th post is in the works for Monday...and you know what that means. Another giveaway! Woo-hoo!!

Isn't blogging exciting?


  1. Oh, I love blogging. I don't know why. It appeals to the loner in me who wants to keep in contact but not go out to lunch everyday to catch up. Does that make sense?
    I think I need to add that search thingy. You're right, it has gotten way better.

  2. Thanks for the tip! I had no idea what that search thing was for. (And apparently an appalling lack of curiosity about it as well...) I'm going to try it out. Looking forward to your 300th post! It's my birthday!

  3. Holding my breath for the "mini-makeover." I bet it will be fantastic!
    And the search thing. Wow. Wonders never cease.

  4. I love that search feature, too!
