Monday, August 10, 2009

To the Victor(s) Goes the Prize!

First of all, I'd like to congratulate those who won and commiserate with those who didn't. Win or lose, each of you is greatly appreciated. (My 300th-post anniversary is coming up next month, so never fear...another giveaway will be in the works soon!)


Yep, I do! There's nothing quite so fun as writing all of your names the appropriate number of times on little slips of paper, folding them up, putting them in a bowl, and picking out prize winners. (Okay, maybe there are a few things that are more fun...) But this is definitely right up there. When else in my lifetime will short and stubby me ever feel akin to Vanna White? Besides, being the great giver of prizes is pretty heady stuff. ;)

Okay, enough talk and more action. It's time for the big reveal!

The five winners of Sue's One Year Blogiversary Giveaway are:

1. Karen from K2Cole - Custom poem for the occasion of your choice
2. Jen - My first book, At the End of Your Rope, There's Hope
3. Lisa - CD of my favorite selection of very cool tunes
4. Tiffany - Magnets from Junky Heirloom
5. KC Mom - Note cards from Cheeky Cards

Congratulations, my friends!! Now all you need to do is email me your addresses so I can get everything sent out as soon as possible. (My email can be found by clicking on my profile...)

Thanks to everyone for playin'. (And for readin', too.) I only wish I could give something to every single one of you. Without you guys, this blogging business wouldn't be any fun at all.

But with you, it's pretty terrific.



  1. As Nacho Libre said...I wanna weeeennn!...and I did! Thanks so much for making my day Sue. Congrats to a successful blog with beautiful and uplifiting posts!
    I also appreciate your wisdom and comments to me. I'm glad I met you. ;)

  2. Woot, woot! I was hoping . . .
    Karen will be thrilled with the poem. But I get a whole book! Yah-hoo!

  3. Congrats to the winners. Lucky gals!

  4. If at first you don't succeed...oh wait - I DID succeed last time! But I still will try, try again. Congrats to the winners, and to you, Sue, on a wonderful blog!

  5. I am So excited! a cd filled with Sue's favorites, I can't wait! YOU are THE best!!!

  6. Darn me!!! I am living proof, "you snooze, you lose!"...I have been such a blogging slacker lately.

    Lucky people...those "weeeennners!" :)
