Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Power of Three

The Power of Three

©2003 Susan Noyes Anderson, His Children, Vantage-Point Press

there’s wisdom here

the power of three

the power of surf

and sand and sea

the power to kneel

upon the ground

the power to build

on something sound

the power to feel

that nothing ends

the power of three

the power of friends

the power of surf

and sand and sea

there’s wisdom here

the power of three

This poem was initially written for His Children, my book with photographer Anita Schiller, but these wonderful photos of my grandchildren brought it to my mind immediately. Sometimes they are friends and sometimes they are foes, but the strong ties that clearly bind them are powerful and unchanging.

These three are a team, and it cheers my heart to see the visual proof...recorded, as usual, by their mother. Thanks, Heather!