Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Monday!

Guess who's staying home from work today? You got it! The bishop. Yep, he's gonna kick it with his lovely wife and help her get ready for the big YA Family Home Evening BBQ at our place tonight. (A pretty blissful time with this dude is hard to come by these days.)

So the blog is short this morning, but the happy Monday wishes are looooooong. Have a good one!



  1. Have a wonderful Monday! I love that picture...adorable cuties!

  2. So fun! I wish Craig would play hooky!

  3. Isn't it great when they'll take a day to spend with you? Have a wonderful day!

  4. I have so enjoyed having my hubby home this summer. Enjoy your day!

  5. He deserves it! Hope you had a fun time. (Rushing back to work here...) My new class website is complete now. I am pretty excited about it and have already had some good feedback.

  6. Hope you had a lovely day together. My blogging is limited as well. My dear hubby is sending summer off in style--a week of vacation.

  7. HAPPY DAY!!! I LOVE it when you get to have the man of the house home with you! What a great treat for you, hope you guys had fun:)
