Monday, July 27, 2009

BEACH, BEAch, BEach, Beach, beach....

Well, here I am from Newport Beach...Our internet has been out of commission ever since we got here, but today I'm borrowing one of those cards that you just plug in to the computer. Pretty cool. Anyway, I'm checking in for a quick update, but it could be fleeting because there's only one card to go around and lots of people wanting to log on today.

Okay. We arrived Saturday to HUGE big that they had to build a breakwater made of sand to keep things under control. Good for keeping the beach house from washing away, but not so good for my ocean view. Yesterday they weren't even letting people in the water, but today they are...which is fortunate because my granddaughter is having a birthday party on the beach. They are also getting rid of the impromptu sand dune even as I type! Hurray!!

Yesterday was pretty low key. We went to church and then came home and had Mexican food catered in for about 30 of our family members...some who are here with us and some who came from nearby cities to see us. Lots of fun. Lots of yummy enchiladas and chile rellenos. Lots of sand. Lots of laughter. Lots of noise.

Today is the b-day party and Joe's Crab Shack for dinner. Should be good. My last child arrived at 3:00 this morning, so we are all here and read to party. Needless to say, I am loving it!

Having tons of fun with my grandchildren...And the whole week ahead of me!!



  1. I went to Joe's Crab Shack for the first time at Fisherman's Wharf. It was fun and the shrimp is amazing. Yum.

    I hope you're having a great time.

  2. I love Joe's Crab Shack - it all sounds like a wonderful time!

  3. It sounds wonderful and full of family joy which has to be the bestest thing on earth! That said--no one should ever have to be without the internet--I am hyperventillating just thinking about it. Kidding--sort of...
