Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday's Gifts: (1) Red and Purple Plums (2) Love

Have you ever gone to church on Sunday, then come home...

with enough fresh-picked plums to fill your favorite bowl?

I have.

Usually the gifts I receive in Relief Society are more spiritual in nature, but I never go home empty-handed. From the minute I walk in the door till the moment I take my leave, I am fed...whether it be on the sweet plums of summer or the even sweeter fruit of sisterhood, belief, and shared experience. Either way, I am full when I walk out the door, and this Sunday was no exception.

I wish everyone had Relief Society sisters to love and uphold them. And to bring them juicy red and purple plums on a June day.



  1. Plums would be great, but I'd just like to go to RS instead of Primary!

  2. The fruit looks sweet. And the sweet fruit of sisterhood is even sweeter.

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your sweet words.

    I love new bloggy friends and I love plums.

  4. Our RS was great too, as one of my past YW taught the lesson and blew me away with her insite. Always cool to see how they grow up.
    I'll read the link from yesterdays post when it is a little more quiet and subdues around here.
    Thanks for all the comments and good words of wisdom.
