Friday, May 22, 2009

The Golf Widow

Here I am once again--devoid of husband and sons--the proverbial Palm Springs golf widow. Every day that we spend here begins the same way...early...with the men in my life making muffled noises in the hallways and bathrooms as they prepare for 18 holes of golf at a different one of their four or five favorite courses in the area.

I am always awakened, not by their muffled noises but by the occasional and apparently unavoidable bursts of boisterous laughter, followed by equally loud attempts at "shushing" one another. I believe the vigorous shushing disturbs my sleep even more than the belly laughs.

It's all good, though. The golf widow knows how to entertain herself. She chats with her delightful folks, settles in with a savory book or two, hits up a few people in blogdom, and monopolizes her parents' computer creating inconsequential posts of this nature--all the while looking forward to the golden moment when her men come home from the golf wars, rosy with comraderie and sunburn, each one attempting to shout the other down as they regale her with stories of well-hit balls, perfect drives, and birdies. (No sand traps, lost balls or bogies allowed, please...except for the "other" guy's, of course!)

Add to this delectable brew the memory of past years spent in exactly the same way, and you end up with one very happy golf widow/proud mom, drinking in the rewarding and dearly familiar elixir of desert air and family bonding...of life and love and time-honored tradition.


PS. Today is the last day to comment here and get in on my "200th post anniversary" book and stationery giveaway. I will be drawing the winners' names at random tonight at 11:59 PM and announcing the results tomorrow morning. Good luck, all...and thanks for playing!!


  1. At least you get some reading in, right?

    Sounds like the men are having a great time.

  2. Male bonding is so different from female bonding. Balls or TV remotes must be included. Glad you've got perspective and something to occupy your time!

  3. How do you do it woman? You can take the most normal topics (golf, men, etc.) and with your words transform them into art. I never knew I could enjoy reading about golf. But, you make it magical. You just never disappoint.

  4. this sooooooo reminds me of my dad:-)...and my grandma, who's 82 and plays 18 holes every monday.

  5. Aren't we so glad to have these family vacation rituals? The time to spend with each other. Even though it seems they are all the same vacation, I think that is the point! We go to Lake Powell every year and spend a week on our houseboat with our family, we almost always park in the same spot and do the same things but we sure missed it last year when gas was $4 a gallon and we did not go.

    Love the post. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I agree with Natalie--what a gift you have!! My husband would be so jealous of this golf thing you get to do each year.
