Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sue's News, Views 'n Muse Home Tour

Too many solemn posts in a row a dull blogger makes, so I will go "light" today with a home tour, of sorts. Basically, I'll be sharing with you a few of my favorite things and places in my home. So "step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly..."

My door is always open. 

(Except, of course, when it's closed.)

I love this picture near the entry way. I happen to be a BIG fan of oak trees. 

Especially mine.  (Yes, this is the infamous magic tree.)  


The view from my kitchen window always makes me happy, even when I'm doing the dishes!

And around the kitchen table ain't a bad place to be either, whether it's to feed my face, my family, or my blogging addiction (see laptop).

The view from the kitchen table makes me smile, too (especially when my neighbor's tree is in bloom).

And many good family times have been had 'round the dining room table...

Whose windows are fun to look through, too (especially when the ping pong table isn't set up).

I don't like cooking, but I really, really do like my new stove and back splash.

And my long, galley-style kitchen.

(Not so much my new oven, which is temperamental as all get-out and merits no photo.)

You've already heard about my restored used brick fireplace, but I couldn't leave it out of the tour.

And my book and photo nook, crazy and cluttered though it is, does my heart good. (Too bad child no. 3's photo didn't quite make the cut). Sorry, Ry. My photo-taking skills are MIA, and now the camera battery's dead. Needless to say, I don't know how to change it.

Today's last treat (?) is my laundry room...The thing I love here is my sorter, the wicker tower in the corner, which my husband said I would never actually use that way. He was wrong!

And don't worry, there IS a washer and dryer, too. (See right-hand corner).

So much for today's tour. Part 2 will be later this week. (I know you can hardly wait...)



  1. What a fun tour! I may have to try that.
    Your windows are gorgeous!

  2. i am DYING for your bay windows and shelves of books.

  3. I absolutely loved this! I love to see what people love about their homes and how they decorate with the things they love.
    BTW--where did you get the polka-dotted vase in the entry? We have one very similar that Brad got on a trip to Peru.
    And my old house used to have a faux finish about like in your kitchen (at least that's how it looks in picture form).

  4. And your yard is gorgeous and green and lovely! Something about CA that does that to a person.

  5. Love your house Sue! Very bright and cheery. Is that a SHOE on your kitchen table? Maybe that's why I felt right at home! *contented sigh* Thank you for your kind words on my blog. Please come back and visit - I'll do the same. I'm looking forward to the remainder of the home tour.

  6. Oh it's your front door that held my attention. I have a thing for Front doors...kinda like the "eyes" of the house--beautiful beautiful!--and the Oak tree...perfect! Thanks for the tour!

  7. To answer your questions:

    Jen, the vase is indeed from Peru. And the kitchen walls are fauxed. (Good calls, both!)

    Karen, the black blob on the kitchen table is not a shoe, but a backpack-ish purse. =D
    (However, it could have been a shoe on any given day, lol).

    To everyone else: Thanks for liking my tour. Our home isn't fancy, but it does reflect my personality**, which is why I wanted to share...

    **(The basketball signed by the Magic Johnson Laker team situated on a shelf in the book nook reflects my HUSBAND's personality...)

    I love having you all visit, and your comments are the icing on my bloggy cake.


  8. I am a closet real estate agent - no really, my mom is the real agent and whenever I can convince her we go and look at houses, I love yours! It looks so warm and inviting. Your front yard is so pretty and I love the glass by your door.

    Thanks for the tour,

    PS. I like your laundry sorter!

  9. It make me kinda "home sick" glad we have a trip planned. Funny that it was never "really" my home but have grown attached over he years ;)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I thought for sure you would post a picture of the lovely stained glass hummingbird, perhaps its beauty in underappreciated. You may live to regret you lack of gratitude.

    5'7734 Craftsman :-{

  12. Ah, but please note, craftsman Matt, that the living room has not been portrayed yet...


  13. I have missed a few posts somehow--you have an absolutely LOVELY home and pick me--pick me to come visit! I loved Elder Hollan's talk also--I have never heard it put that way and found it just electrified me with its truth! Just like you said.
