Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nobility Is My Middle Name

I drive a Honda Pilot. Or at least, I used to. These days I am the proud operator of a 2001 Honda Civic, with a stick shift. Why have I made what could arguably be considered a downgrade? Not because the gas mileage is so good, though it certainly is. Not because I gave up being comfortable in my car for Lent, though my motivation is definitely sacrificial in nature. You see, I am driving a Honda Civic...(here comes the sacrificial part)...STICK SHIFT, every day, for this reason.

Yes, my friends. In a show of kindness and generosity that astonishes even me, I arm and leg wrestle an aging, contrary (finicky in first and stubborn in second) stick/clutch every day so that my son, who is still recovering from ankle surgery, can drive my husband's (automatic) Honda Accord while said husband drives my (also automatic) Pilot. It's a game of musical cars, and I have a growing suspicion that I'm the loser.

But it's all good, because nobility is my middle name.

insert long-suffering sigh here 

(Okay...maybe it's just a nickname.)



  1. oooo, i'm actually quite jealous. my first car was a stick shift. i miss the power of driving stick!!! so fun:-) but i do like my automatic, i just do love driving a stick. it makes me feel so grown up!

  2. Funny. I am also now driving my son's Honda Civic stick shift. He is at the Y and I was concerned for his safety with the snowy weather. I know he drives safely, just concerned with him having a giant SUV plow into him.

    He took my nice (but older) SUV (manual) Pathfinder to school. I loved that car. Sure hope it makes it back in one piece...

    Yea, long suffering....

    Debbie Nowland rmm, Rocklin, CA

  3. hat a good mama you are! Although I would be careful, all those young kids out there might start mistaking you for a young hot college student in that cute little car!

  4. Brad actually had to trade cars with his friend for his shoulder surgery. Your long-suffering is admirable.

  5. I feel your pain. I drive a '96 civic w/ stick shift. I'm about ready to move on to an automatic... Hopefully Ryan gets better quick so you can get back to comfort :)

  6. Wow--you should get the nobility prize babe--stick shift drives me crazy!!!!

  7. Ry is lucky to have you and Dave too hehe
