Thursday, February 19, 2009

When It Rains, It Pours. (Blessings, not Morton's)

Tell me the truth, now. Have you ever seen a cuter grandpa than this one? (Or cuter grandkids, for that matter??)

I'm happy to say that they belong to me...the whole lot of 'em! 

Making me a very LUCKY woman (albeit one who, in true blogger style, now uses the occasional fragment sentence for emphasis). Ah, well.


PS. Question: "Does blogger=bragger?"
Answer: "For me, you betcha."


  1. OH my gosh!! That picture is priceless!!! I bet you just loved having them there for a little bit!

  2. Is there anything better than rain?
    I see now.
    Rain and Grandpa!
    I'll have to remember that next time we visit my parents!

  3. That is a precious picture!

    Funny you mentioned the bragging thing. Just today, as I cleaned out the nuggets (I like that you called them that), I thought that it felt so self-indulgent. But, my blog is the only place I can do that, so I guess it keeps me sane? Maybe?

  4. new favorite song: lily allen "the fear." BUT make sure to get the clean version:-)
