Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hearts, Love, and Breast Cancer


Hearts Knit Together in Love

I found out Sunday that one of my very good friends has breast cancer. That makes friend number three whose body has been invaded by this disease in the last two years, and I'm beginning to take it personally. 

We should all take breast cancer personally. It used to be easy for me to dismiss it as something that happens to "other" people, but now that I've seen women I care about literally fight for their lives, I will never be able to dismiss it again. I hope you never will either. We can all be part of the struggle for victory over this enemy by getting regular mammograms, and yes, by doing those annoying self-exams at the same time each month. Early detection is key.

My friend, who will undergo surgery on Friday, is one of the best people I know. She is almost certainly the kindest and most tender-hearted. Maybe that's why it breaks my heart to think of what lies ahead for her. I do know that she will walk through it with faith and humility, because that's how she operates. I hope she will let her friends walk with her, whenever she needs us. We all want to do anything and everything possible to ease her way.

I look forward to the day when my friend comes out the other side of this trial, stronger in new and eternal ways. In the meantime, I am grateful for Elder Holland's reminder that we are never alone in our hours of greatest need: "...for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up" (D&C 84:88).

(Love to M.)


  1. Marsha, how is she doing? She is in our prayers!

  2. I think I know who you are talking about. When I posted it was about Alan's mom Janet. It's really upsetting for sure. Our entire family is really stunned.
